Saturday, December 24, 2022

Mary Worth 2128

If by a piece of Zak's heart, you mean his bank account, this story suddenly makes a lot more sense.

While you're waiting for the Worthy Award nominations to come out, I want to drop any pretense of snark for a few minutes and share something that put me into the Christmas mood, featuring Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abby) and the Tabernacle Choir. It's a little long, 16 minutes, but I hope this blog hasn't frozen your heart so cold that it can't thaw enough to enjoy this. Merry Christmas.


fauxprof said...

Thank you, Wanders! A blessed Christmas to you, and all of our sweet, snarky Worthiverse family. However and whatever we celebrate, may we all find warmth, comfort, joy and love.

fauxprof said...

Now that I’ve been nice, I’ll segue to mildly naughty. For Christmas Eve, here’s my yearly Carol:

Sifting through the flour
With raisins, eggs and bran
Bake them for an hour
In a Teflon-coated pan
Serve then to your friends
With a tiny cup of tea
Add a bit of wise advice
But never charge a fee

Oh, muffin bells, muffin bells
Mary’s on the way
However dire your problems are
Muffins save the day
Muffin bells, muffin bells
Keeps you healthy, too
No chocolate or sugar
They’re dull but good for you

Anonymous said...

And Mary puts another notch in her mixing spoon.

Brava, fauxprof!

And Merry Christmas to all!

-- Scottie McW.

Wanders said...

Now there’s a new carol stuck in my head. Such a gift

meg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meg said...

fauxprof- are you perchance Weird Al Yankovic? Asking for a friend…

fauxprof said...

@meg—nah, he’s way younger and has better hair!

Anonymous said...

June has given us a Christmas present! The door to Mary’s apartment apparently slides open like the door on the side of a van!

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to all my Worthiverse friends and special thanks to Wanders and fauxprof for their musical contributions today.


KitKat said...

Dear Wanders, thank you for the YouTube clip. I knew nothing about this family and their history, so not only did I learn something, the narration and music were lovely for Christmas Eve morning. Wishing blessings to you, Mrs. Wanders, and your growing family. Greetings of the season to all my Worthiverse friends, too, and a hearty round of applause to @fauxprof for her inspired holiday song!

From the sublime to the ridiculous, today’s panel 1 has me picturing a mob of women fighting over pieces of Zak’s heart (eeyew) and perhaps divvying up his internal organs. Count me out - I don’t even want a hunka hunka of Zak’s burning love. What a whacko way for Iris and Mary to conclude their latest maddening conversation.

meg said...

I hate it when Mary accidentally talks dirty. Not an attractive attribute for a super-duper centenarian…

MDMaryTed said...

Speaking as Any Woman, thank you but I do not want even a teeny teeny tiny bit of Zak's heart. Happy Holidays to you Wanders and everyone else in the Worthiverse! Don't eat any platitude muffins!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Happy Holidays to Wanders and all MWandme contributors, whose thoughtful snark made a Dickens of a year in the real world and the Worthiverse all the more Worthwhile.

A special shout out to fauxprof for this year's festive and very Worthy Carol. And here's also to last year's Carol - the only one of Wilbur's numerous ex-exes who had the good sense to permanently vanish from his life and this strip immediately after their first date.

I'm sure we're all looking forward to a very special holiday panel from June tomorrow featuring plenty of glazed expressions and glazed hams. To all a Merry Christmas and a snarky New Year!

Gina said...

Thank you and merry Christmas, Wanders!