Thursday, December 8, 2022

Mary Worth 4112

If you'd like to know more about what scientists term Cute Aggression and why something is seriously wrong with this picture, watch this video.


KitKat said...

So Nan hasn’t changed since she was a college student? Oh c’mon, Zak.

Iris throwing her drink in Nan’s face would be both non-cutely aggressive and very funny.

Tomorrow: Nan pulls a jar of bubbles out of her purse, and she and Zak take turns blowing them all over My Thai.

Anonymous said...

". . . you ARE rich, right?"

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

“So Nan, how’s your thyroid these days? Still wonky? That’s great! You know, I’ve been spiking Iris’ hamburger gravy with radioactive iodine so you’ll both have that in common, too!”

Anonymous said...

And now it's time for kissy face! Meanwhile, Iris will have another Alabama Slammer.

-- Scottie McW.

Nigel R. said...

Iris has her revenge - she murders Nan, and takes her place on the flight back to Hawaii. Mr. Nan has his suspicions since his wife seems to have aged 10 years during her trip and doesn't remember his name, but there are compensations: e.g., she doesn't say "YUM YUM YUM for NUM NUM NUMS!" in public anymore.

mr_darcy said...

If only Nan lights a cigarette after dinner. Then we'll know her plan is to steal the veil, lock Iris in the bride's dressing room, and taker her place at the altar. That I could look forward to.

Anonymous said...

That is some angry sipping!

ratswan said...

im just waiting for zak to say he has to go to little boys room and nan replies wee wee or boom boom

Sandi Ego said...

Iris is going to end up at the ER for sutures if she grips that glass any tighter. I hope this dinner debacle ends soon before Nan breaks out The Noble Duke of York.

LouiseF said...

Another chortle-producing day here in the Worthiverse! As for "cute aggression", I can't help wondering who funds such a study..Now if there was a study on the habits of adults who maintain lifelong relationships with children they have babysat when they were in college, there might indeed be some psychiatric disorders to uncover. Of course the study group would only be one pair who reside in a comic strip, so not too much to go on.

Garnet said...

Why is Iris still sitting there? Zak is waving more red flags than a giant communist parade.

Come to think of it, what's that purple guy still doing in the restaurant? If I saw one adult treating another like a toddler anywhere, I'd get out of there immediately.

I wonder if the author realizes how incredibly creepy and wildly inappropriate Zak and Nan's behaviour is?

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that the worst "cute aggression" is tickling. The reflexive instinct is at first laughter but that can quickly turn to actual pain if the tickler keeps it up for any length of time. A kid can even vomit if it goes on too long. Take it from me; I know.


Jana C.H. said...

Have never been overwhelmed by the cuteness of anything. I didn't know it was a genuine thing. I have always assumed anyone who claimed it was exaggerating.
I suspect this is because, as an unusually short women, I have learned to detest the entire concept of cuteness. The word and the idea are invariably condescending. I'm fine with babies and small fuzzy animals being called cute, but use the C-word about me and you're looking to get a good solid whack.
And I aim low.