Monday, December 12, 2022

Mary Worth 4116

For one brief shining moment, I like Iris again. Now psychoanalyze him, Iris. Do it for all of us.


Catt said...

Whoa. That is one scary face.

fauxprof said...

Nomination for Panel of the Year!

KitKat said...

Iris changed her clothes when she got home but she neglected to put on a pair of big plastic earrings. She’ll have to work harder to impersonate Nan. She does register a medium score on the passive-aggressive scale, but that’s not enough to overcome Zak’s score on the clueless scale.

Anonymous said...

Ha haaaa! Great start to a Monday! Didn't think Iris had it in her. Now pour it on! Definite POY material.

I'd like to see Mary do that to someone.

Meanwhile, clue-challenged Zak has all the self-awareness of a tree stump.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

My compliments, Auntie June! You do a mighty fine scary face. I almost dropped my coffee cup. It's definitely a contender for POY.

However, I am having a little problem with the logistics. First of all, the drive to My Thai took us out into the countryside. The 74 times or so that June used the facade as Panel 1 showed the teetering building to be surrounded by aspens or whatever. But then on Sunday we have Zak and Iris walking Nan down a city street and leaving her at her hotel.

At the end of the evening, Nan tosses off a vague invitation to Zak and "Irene" to someday visit her and her husband on Hawaii but there's no mention of seeing them soon at their upcoming wedding. Wasn't Nan extending her visit so that she could attend? Did anyone mention any incidentals like the date or location?

Now, we're supposed to believe that Zak and Iris drove all the way back through the countryside, took the time change their clothes and settle down with a magazine before Iris pulls her nutty? What did they talk about on the ride home? I'm irritated.


ratswan said...

she looks like a female joker !!!!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

“Of course, Carol Channing! You match her manically decrepit and slightly unhinged intensity precisely, and I saw her and Ken Kensington off-Broadway in an unforgettable junior high trip from My Past just 12 short years ago. But Nan… oops, I mean I mean Irene… how could you possibly have known about that?”

Thunderheels said...

Helen Clark:
Please be careful trying to figure out the Worthyverse. I pulled multiple neurons doing so a while back.

Garnet said...

Iris looks like a female version of the Joker. Maybe this will be part of her villain origin story.

If she doesn't dump Zak after this, she's dumber than paint.

Yahoonski said...

Will jazz hands make me look 10-15 years younger, too? Nope. Just tried it in the mirror. Didn't work.

LouiseF said...

Maybe if Iris shoves some sushi up Zak's nose, he'll start to get the point. This may take all week...

Steve said...

Zak's blank expression indicates that he still doesn't get it

Anonymous said...

How do you pronounce Zakie?

hmmm said...

I love to think that all during the car ride back to Zak's condo, he kept up his sole end of the conversation going on and on about how wonderful Nan was. "Iris, wasn't she great? Can you believe how she hasn't aged a day since I last saw her? I mean, she's beautiful, right? Plus, she was strong. I remember when my stroller rolled into a storm drain and got stuck. But because Nan didn't want to drop the shopping bags full of the ingredients for hamburger gravy, she managed to grab onto and lift my stroller out with just her teeth! Any funny? Oh, man, how we used to go on. Peek-a-boo; pinchy cheeks; I haven't laughed like that in years. I'm telling you Irene, it doesn't get any better than that, does it? Sorry, I mean, Iris. Iris?"

Iris says nothing but in the darkness of the car, she practices her scary face in the side view mirror.