Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Mary Worth 4132

The secret to a good marriage is a simple wedding. Actually, I kind of agree with that. I've never understood going into debt to get married. Use that money on a down payment for your first house. Or in Zak and Iris's case, a second yacht.


fauxprof said...

With any luck, these two will just go down to the courthouse, get a couple of random people as witnesses, and have a judge marry them. Then they can go on a honeymoon (maybe to Hawaii, on the same plane as Nan). Then, by the immutable law of the Worthiverse, they will never be heard from again. Of course, Mary will do a two-week victory lap. That is also immutable.

KitKat said...

We’ve had profile views of the right side of Iris’s face and her windswept hair Monday through today. I’m hoping Zak has slipped into the choppy waters while checking his phone and Iris hasn’t noticed. How many miles will she run before she notices his absence?

Anonymous said...

Are these two jogging or competing in a hundred-yard dash?

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

I hope they're running on the same doggy boardwalk where earlier that day, Saul and Eve walked Greta and Max for their morning constitutional.


Yahoonski said...

Could you please tell us again where you were when you had this realization.

ratswan said...

Imagine reading a moy story with no art that book would hit the donate bin quick or one of those curbside libraies

katyb said...

Teamwork. Nice to have in a marriage, but if that's all ya got, then divorce lawyers are waiting for you a Piccadee Falls. Sheesh.

Wool Worth said...

We’re a great team. Piccadee Falls. Our bond is strong. Piccadee Falls. Team. Team. Team. Piccadee. Piccadee. Piccadee. Team. Piccadee.