Sunday, January 8, 2023

Mary Worth 4143

Way to hold on to your independance, Jeff. Mary managed to coordinate the entire congregation with her purple dress, but you somehow managed to mismatch even your own colors.


meg said...

She married a man with no last name. And the combination of that dress and a sports car- am I the only one who’s thinking of Isadora Duncan?

fauxprof said...

That’s an interesting little religious sect they have in Santa Royale. The liturgy seems to be based on those refrigerator magnet poetry kits—just mix up the parts of a marriage ceremony and do them in a random order. It takes an officiant with a voice like Morgan Freeman’s to carry that off.

KitKat said...

Mignon McLaughlin (1913-1983) was an American journalist and author. The quotation KM bagged for today appears to be MM’s most popular one,, and that was before today’s MW! Plaques with this quotation and Zak and Iris smooching will be coming soon. BTW, Zak’s stubble has grown as the ceremony progressed.

Mary’s wearing the dress she wore for her graduation from Clown College, and Jeff seems awfully giddy to be at the wedding of two people he’s never met. He’s hoping for an open bar at the reception.

@meg, if Iris has a stole to wrap around her neck, we’ll really be thinking of Isadora Duncan!

Anonymous said...

The church is pretty packed. Mary has to sit on Jeff's lap like a ventriloquist's dummy.

Anyway, so much for a small ceremony.

-- Scottie McW.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...


@KitKat, speaking of clown college it’s a shame Iris didn’t go with the Circus theme she’d been considering earlier. Some clown cars and a clifftop trapeze artist would really liven things up around now.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I felt like we needed to harness the power of an artificial intelligence to further analyze KM’s seemingly robotic text, so I pasted today’s comments into ChatGPT and asked it to generate more.

Here’s what it came up with - it seems it really picked up on @meg and @fauxprof’s comments and riffed from there, with output that’s both more natural than KM’s writing but entirely too literal to achieve human levels of snark. So our jobs as snarksters appear to be safe.. for now…

MW Snark AI said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can't believe Mary married a man with no last name. That's like the ultimate rebel move. It's like she's saying, "I don't need a traditional last name to be happy, I just need this man by my side."

January 8, 2023 at 10:57 AM
Blogger Mary Said...
I just wanted to clarify that my husband does actually have a last name, it's just a very unique one that doesn't conform to societal norms. And as for the dress and sports car, we just wanted to do something a little different for our wedding day. It's all about personal expression and celebrating love.

January 8, 2023 at 11:12 AM
Anonymous Jack said...
I have to agree with @Mary, it's not about conforming to traditional expectations. As long as the couple is happy and in love, that's all that matters.

And I have to say, that ceremony was one of the most unique and beautiful ones I've ever attended. Morgan Freeman's voice added such a touch of class and the magnet poetry approach was so creative.

January 8, 2023 at 11:35 AM
Blogger Sarah said...
I completely agree with @Jack. It's not about traditional expectations, it's about finding happiness and expressing that love in your own way. And the ceremony was truly one of a kind, I've never seen anything like it before.

I'm so happy for Mary and her husband, and I can't wait to see what adventures life brings them next.

January 8, 2023 at 12:12 PM

Anonymous said...

YAY! What? No, no, no. My YAY! has nothing to do with the wedding. I'm shouting YAY! because tomorrow is Worthy Awards Day! YAY!

I was holding off on bribing the judges until today, thinking for sure that Nan would secure a win by somehow creating havoc at the wedding. I'm so disappointed.


KitKat said...

@HelenClark, don’t despair. Nan can still do something embarrassing and wildly inappropriate at the reception. (I realize that KM might fly right by the reception, just as she cheated us with Wilbur’s island rescue. Sheesh!)

Anonymous said...

I don't know, KitKat. Isn't that Nan in Panel 3, smiling pleasantly? She may have turned over a new leaf. It looks like she's even lightened her hair color so as to look less like Iris. Still, we can hope!


KitKat said...

@HelenClark, do you mean the blonde on the left? (The one on the right is Toby, I think.) Ms. Left could be Nan, or she could be one of June’s generic blondes. Bottom line, I expect KM will pull something annoying on us. Nan squashing a piece of wedding cake on Zakie’s stubble while Iris exclaims “!!”is too much to hope for.

Bill the Butcher said...

Why are they all calling for Yay from Questionablecontent? Do they want Yay to erase the memory of this wedding from their brains?