Thursday, January 12, 2023

Mary Worth 4146

Oh, Wilbur! If ever there was a slap-my-forehead moment, this is it! But seriously, I can't believe he hasn't spotted the already-married Nan. Most marriages do end in divorce, I hear.


RobC said...

Panel of the new year!!!!

Catt said...

Things I need from this strip:
Nan and Zackie dancing together at the wedding and someone commenting to Iris, oh is that your daughter?
Toby and Nan standing together to prove that they are actually two people.
And.... finally.... did Estelle die?

KitKat said...

@Catt, perhaps Wilbur and Estelle are still “taking a break,” in Moy Speak. I suppose Estelle, Libby, and Pierre are singing together at the piano.

Wilbur’s abysmal wardrobe color choices and terrible comb over should scare off most women.

There was no sign of food at this reception, so apparently crumbs were served.

Anonymous said...

If Wilbur sat any closer to Mary, he'd be on her her lap!

RogerBW said...

Wilbur: "Who's that hottie who looks remarkably like a younger Iris?" (Eyes change to heart symbols, tie rolls up and flaps round and round.)

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

When do we get to meet Zak’s parents? And find out his mom looks like yet another Doppelgänger (Trippelgänger?) of Iris and Nan?

ratswan said...

Lets see a picture of iris toby and nan together should take june only a minute to cut and paste .

LouiseF said...

So, the wedding reception is teeing up what will likely be the plots of 2023: Wilbur in denial of Iris and Zak's marriage; Brandy and Tommy in crisis about getting married; Nan's marriage breaking up (because she never WAS actually married) and her appearance on Zak and Iris' doorstep; John Dill moving back to Charterstone and being miffed at Mary for not getting him to do Iris and Zak's wedding cake.

meg said...

Aye, but what about me, Adjunct assistant part time substitute Professor, Ian MacTavish Cameron, who has provided wise advice and humorous asides in this strip since Hubert Humphrey was Vice President?

Wouldn’t ye rather see a story about a man with a full face of hair and a plaid skirt than about that balding Wilbur with his drab unsuccessful insurance agent brown and gray wardrobe? I’ve seen better dressed men collecting bottles in Santa Royale Municipal Park!

And my lovely wife Toby hasn’t enjoyed a spot o’ day-drinking with Mary Worth in years! Cameron’s rock, and don’t ye forget it!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised there's only a single plate in front of Wilbur. I'm sure he RSVP'd that he'd be bringing a "plus-one" so that he could scarf down two free meals.


Anonymous said...

Wilbur’s plus-one is Estelle’s cat, who’s no doubt (cough) “marking” everywhere in Wilbur’s car rather than be seen with him at the reception, plus neither is sure which one has more lives left.