Friday, January 20, 2023

Mary Worth 4154

"I'm sorry, Estelle. Our karaoke date turned me gay."


KitKat said...

“I am so sorry about that date we had a year ago, Ed! It completely slipped my mind! I had no recollection that you and I ever went out together. Whoops, my bad! Say, since I’m going to take you out for dinner, how about a discount on my bill today, including those pills?”

Very funny secret message today, Wanders. I’m hoping Ed breaks out into something from “Showboat” at dinner.

Anonymous said...

"I'd love to, Estelle, but Wilbur and I are going steady."

-- Scottie McW.

ratswan said...

amazing how estelle ages 10 years both ways each strip .

RogerBW said...

"So last time we went out you clearly weren't over your ghastly ex, and then you ghosted me for a year. Sure! I see no problems going out with you again!"

Anonymous said...

Well, this story is off to a rousing start. Just two days in and the excitement is already unbearable!


TimP said...

Given the relationship between a person and their pets, dating the pets' vet seems so clearly a terrible idea that it is very in character for Estelle to veer in this direction.

Anonymous said...

Good point, TimP. Will they discuss euthanasia over their dinner of steak tartare?

Matt said...

Can’t wait to see Wilbur watching another one of his exes getting married. Hell be smiling on the outside but we’ll all know he’s suffering on the inside.