Monday, January 23, 2023

Mary Worth 4157

Check your cell, Stell. There must be 50 ways to leave your lover.


RobC said...

No Comment! Your's is the cat's meow!

KitKat said...

Since it must be around 8 p.m., this is not the Bum Boat, darn. I was hoping Mary and Jeff would be there, and Mary would waste no time blabbing to Wilbur. (Does Mary now call her “Stell” too?)

The emergency at work was Ed misplacing his keys. He’s funny that way.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Ed's game was to stand you up in retaliation for blah blah blah. He planned the whole thing meticulously, because that's what any mature man would do.

Stell, you with your idiotic imagination are as pathetic as every other loser in this strip.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

You’re right, Stella — it’s all Wilbur’s fault!

MDMaryTed said...

Hey Stell, you know that rectangular thing that you carry around? It does more than just keep pictures of your cat and dog. It actually makes phone calls and you can send texts! Since you suggested the date, quite brazen for a woman in the MW world, how about calling/texting Ed? And Ed? You couldn't call/text Stell that you would be late? Just what is in the Santa Rosa water that everyone is so clueless?

Anonymous said...

That list of Ed's positive attributes you were going over in your head, yesterday, Estelle? I guess "thoughtful" wasn't one of them.


Yahoonski said...

Since we usually read multiple speech balloons from top to bottom, I've got to wonder if panel 2 is just poorly designed, or does Stell's question mean she has completely ignored Ed's apologetic greeting and explanation?

meg said...

“Ed…Are you all right?”
Your eyes are dilated, your fly is unzipped, your breath smells like purple drank, and your left arm is much longer than your right one. And you smell like wet dog. Now kiss me, you fool.

LouiseF said...

Ed might be all right, but it appears Estelle has been waiting so long that a few of her fellow customers have turned blue and stopped breathing. And yes, I share the irritation with Dr. Ed using her Wilbur-annointed nickname...

meg said...

Perhaps Wilbur will audition for a part in the Santa Royale Halfhearted Players’ production of A Streetcar Named Desir. He’ll win the part of Stan Kowal.
“STELL!!!! STELL!!!”

Anonymous said...

Stell: "Oh, Eddie. You are so compassionate! I could just cry! Any other veterinarian would have let that poor, injured animal croak."

Ed: "How did you know it was a frog?"

Stell: "What??!! I didn't know. That's a figure of speech, you idiot. You mean you let me sit here at "La Grenouille Heureuse" cooling my heels for an extra half hour just to save a lousy frog? Waiter! I'll have an extra-large order of frog legs to go please."


Anonymous said...

“As Stell waits for Libby and Pierre’s veterinarian…” The Penny Saver stopped publishing “Ask Wendy” and now Wilbur is writing the narration box.

Wool Worth said...

Gah! Not anonymous. That last comment was mine.