Monday, February 20, 2023

Mary Worth 4188

I still think Wilbur's dead and that Estelle needs serious psychological help.


RobC said...

Who's at who's apartment? Do not doors open inward?

grozar said...

Bang! Bang! Bang! She shot Wil-Bore!

RogerBW said...

Or Estelle is dead of a bizarre piano accident, and Wilbur (half-alive half-dead) is her psychopomp.

KitKat said...

Just wait until Estelle tells the police about Wilbur’s appearances in her nightmares!

RobC, doors at Charterstone have always had endearing quirks.

Anonymous said...

Today in Karen Moy's relationship advice for the ladies: If you think that creepy, abusive, ex is stalking you, it's just your imagination and you really need to do something about your own mental health.

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaay, Estelle! Finally, somebody is calling out and telling off that vacuous tubbalard!

There has probably never been a reason for Wanders to have a Most Satisfying Panel of the Year, due to a dearth of worthy candidates, but if there was, this one would certainly be a contender!

-- Scottie

ratswan said...

Can these charecters at least wearsome new clothes or does the artist get a great deal on purple ink.

MDMaryTed said...

Stell will be counseled by Mary with muffins to go to Dr. Drew's clinic and will discover that she, like Iris, also has a wonky thyroid. Dr. Drew prescribed the wrong thyroid medicine which causes hallucinations. Of course, by the time this is discovered, the vet has left Stell and Mary, with more muffins, will counsel Stell to go back to Wilbur and all his endearing quirks. Thus providing Mary with so many more opportunities to provide bad advice and muffins. She buys the flour in bulk at Sam's Club.

Anonymous said...

Estelle: "Officer, I demand that you file a restraining order on my ex-boyfriend."
Officer: "But ma'am, from what you've just told me, I really can't justify doing that."

Estelle: "What?!" I told you, I met him coming in the door to my condo complex as I was leaving."
Officer: "But you said he lives there too."

Estelle: "Okay, well how about the fact that he was shopping at a pet supply store where I was shopping?"
Officer: "You told me that he does own fish. Which, sort of, I guess, qualify as pets."

Estelle: "How about seeing his face peeking in at me during my yoga class?"
Officer: "You said your yoga class takes place on the 11th floor of the building."

Estelle: "But he showed up in a nightmare that I had last night!"
Officer: "Listen lady, if this guy actually threatens to do you harm, let me know. In the meantime, I've got to get back to a case I'm working on. Some poor old woman claims that an unlicensed vet working at cut-rate animal clinic intentionally killed her Pomeranian."


MissScarlet said...

@ Helen Clark. Brava!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, MissScarlet! That means a damn to me!
