Friday, March 3, 2023

Mary Worth 4199

Just four? Down the road at Animal Shelter, they put down four every morning, and three more in the afternoon. And not just old, loved animals like yours, Steven, but healthy dogs needing homes who just can't get adopted. Please, everyone, consider becoming a responsible pet rescuer, if you haven't already.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Well said, Wanders. Though you’re not truly doing your part till you’ve kidnapped someone and forcibly dragged them into Animal Shelter until they’ve adopted a pet (or two or three, in Wilbur’s case).

KitKat said...

Right on, Wanders. Adopt, don’t shop. There are so many animals in need of good homes.Just don’t emulate Wilbur, who adopted a dog for the wrong reason and dumped him on Estelle. Come to think of it, Mary dumped Libby on Estelle first.

“Another difficult pet owner demanded we operate on her animal for free!”

“I wish we could. But then we’d be out of business!”

Green Steven doesn’t appear to be cut out for veterinary practice. Did he graduate from a school of veterinary medicine, or is he “helping” his uncle while deciding what he wants to do with his life? Animal Hospital won’t remind anyone of “All Creatures Great and Small.”

Chester the Dog said...

Now this is drama!

Garnet said...

Does nephew Steven even have any veterinary training? If he's euthanizing animals, he should at least have a veterinary technician diploma. I'd be annoyed if I was paying for a professional to deal with my pets and I got an untrained 'helper' instead.

MissScarlet said...

I am assuming that Steven is licensed and qualified to help Dr. Ed. So, then, this is indeed what he signed up for. Perhaps it is time for a new assistant...or 2 maybe.
Oh, but then he would have to go out with Stell.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should add to the jukebox, “Don’t Put Me Down” by the Animals.


Steve said...

Helen Clark: excellent. Appropriate by both title and artist. Younger posters would not remember

LouiseF said...

Something tells me Norman Rockwell didn't envision the scene between green Steven and Doc. Harding when he painted that winsome picture of the veterinary waiting room back in 1952..

Chester the Dog said...

I predict....

The kid will quit and Estelle will take over and start working on all the animals, as of they were Wilbur.

Anonymous said...

Steve - Thank you! I took a little poetic license but that's probably the only crime an old flower girl like me can get away with these days!


Frank Booth said...

I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.