Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Mary Worth 4211

Something you've never felt before? Never? Not even with Arthur Zero?


mr_darcy said...

Estelle lets everyone dump their pets on her. Dr. Ed lets patients walk all over him. I hope there's a dream sequence where their babies are swaddled in doormats.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

He could be going through a Bad Phase at work. Perhaps even a Dire Phase. You know how rough those can be.

KitKat said...

Cheer up, Estelle. By the time you and Mary finish those salads next week, things with Amazing Ed may be clearer.

Frank Booth said...

If Mary sat any closer to her salad it would be in her lap!

jp said...

Estelle is such a drama queen. The guy skipped out on ONE date. Which would have been only the third time they'd seen each other. Cool your jets a little, Sparky.

Anonymous said...

Mary should have asked Estelle how she feels in her tummy brain.


LouiseF said...

Mary is such a mind reader. Considering she probably retired somewhere around 1965, it's unlikely she would be able to imagine what a "bad phase" at work would be in the 21st century. She COULD just tell Estelle to ASK Dr. Ed what's up with his canceling on her. But that would be too direct..

Anonymous said...

Operation Wilbur is proceeding according to plan.

-- Scottie

Dave Mac said...

@ Frank Booth

That restaurant layout is like a carnival Fun House. Not only is Mary's salad in her lap, but the table edge has to be practically cutting Mary in half. Judging the height of the table by Mary's head and shoulders well above top of the seat back, the head of the brown haired lady in the next booth must be fairly even with the table top. I guess Estelle lost the world's smallest fork in that mass of greens so she has to shovel the salad with her fingers, and she hasn't even started on her glass of Poweraid. I'm confused by those Table Eels - is the table transparent?