Not until she's faced with the prospect of meeting a new meddling victim does Mary Worth give Dr. Jeff Corey even half a glance. But boy do her pupils dilate when she hears Adrian has a new boyfriend. It truly is a compulsion.
Dharma alert: That genie bottle on the china shelf keeps jumping through time and space.
Congrats to Spike for predicting the next story would include Adrian.
Today's Full Strip
I never knew there WAS an Adrian.
As Wanders notes, Mary seems to be purposefully staring away from Jeff as he first mentions dinner with Adrian, possibly posing for the unseen aerial photographer in the room. And to elaborate on the genie bottle: it was on the second shelf yesterday and in today's second frame, yet is clearly on the first shelf as today's strip begins. Finally, yesterday's and today's strips offer clear evidence that Jeff is ambidextrous.
It would be a dream come true if Adrian is dating Ron Amalfi; a Ron Amalfi alternately possessed by the spirits of his mother and Aldo Kelrast.
I can't wait to see which hand Jeff is holding his coffee with tomorrow!
"I'd love to meddle in their lives, er, meet him"
Dang, I wish I had storage space like Mary's!! Those plates--two to a shelf--and then the shelves multiply in number every day. Golly, I could sure use some of those!
And why is her paperwork so important that she must be rude to dear Dr. Jeff Corey, M.D.!? I could maybe understand it if she'd just opened her monthly Edward Jones report, but she seems far too cheerful for that.
I vaguely remember there was a daughter. Is she a doctor, also?
I didn't know about the daughter. I have only read about Drew. I did notice that Jeff had Mary's full attention at the mention of the boyfriend. Suddenly, I feel sorry for Adrian. lol.
I've only been reading "Mary Worth" for two or three years, so that explains why the existence of "Adrian" is news to me.
Adrian last appeared right before Mary went on her recsue mission to Asia to rescue Jeff. Like every other Corey family member, she's also a medical professional. You can see the mysterious femme at a strip from The Comics Curmudgeon:
Wow! I miss a day of Mary Worth and everything's changed!
I love the M on her shirt, which I assume stands for "Meddler". I wonder if it's some kind of award she won before she left Lake Pla...er, Tranquil.
I hope Adrian is dating Von. Then Vera and Drew could be inlaws.
Regarding the genie bottle. Mary must have a sort of OCD, causing her to rearrange her Corelleware display frequently, as she hides her neighbors paperwork behind her plates on display.
Will they meet Adrian for dinner at the Bum Boat, or is the situation severe enough for a table at Three Trees? In any case, alert waiter McSnooty - four orders of green mush at table six!
And thanks Wanders, you make my day a little brighter!
Looking back at Adrian, it appears she has been spendng her away time in a Swing Out Sister cover band.
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