A) "Perhaps it's not too late to get involved."
B) "It would be interesting in any other comic strip."
C) "Fresh meat."
D) All of the above, and so much more!
I'm not sure how this story will develop, actually. I mean, what could possibly go wrong and require Mary's meddling? Hooking up with strangers on the Internet is at least as safe as, oh, I don't know, shopping online? People of Charterstone, have you learned nothing?? The internets are dangerous places! There's no customer service rep that's going to call up Adrian and warn her that the man she's been dating is a married fraud! Put on your cape and Spandex, this looks like a job for Mary Worth!
Today's Full Strip
I'm guessing that Adrian is developing a relationship with a minor and will ultimately be pinched in a child porn sting....."But he told me he was over 18"
You are soo right! Who knows in what direction this plot will go. It will surely demonstrate the principle of 3M; the Mistery of the Mind of Moy!
Having recently married an exotic foreign (i.e. American) girl whom I met online, I await developments with interest.
Perhaps it shall all turn out to be a hilarious misunderstanding where Adrian and her e-beau Chris(tine) have both been assuming that the other is male?
The perils of internet dating!! Did they meet in Santa Royales own "Mydatenotebook.com"?
And whats the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall of the resturant for? Is somene going to burst into flames?
These newfangled interwebs shenanigans have caused nothing but trouble! When will these young people learn, that the only acceptable way to meet a suitor is by volunteering at the hospital, local house of worship, or by attending wholesome (Which is SO wholesome, that no one even wears a bathing suit!) co-ed activities, like the Charterstone pool party?
I'm afraid it means two months of explanation of what an internet dating site would be. And there will be frequent hints that something just could go wrong...
But if she is looking for a leprechaun like her Dad, it could be interesting yet.
Hmmm....I wonder if that fire extinguisher may be a metaphor/clue about where this story is going, Johnny! We shall see... I can hardly wait!
The fire extinguisher is there to put out the Grease fire that will erupt when Mary begins singing "Summer Nights":
Tell me more, tell me more,
How much dough did he spend?
Tell me more, tell me more,
Could she get me a friend?
nice segway into the Grease tune! You go!
Tell me more said the spider to the fly.
Thanks, Macon!
Mary mooches another free meal. More to come.
Okay, maybe it's just me (though I can't see how), but all Mary Worth strips are no longer showing up on washingtonpost, seattlepi, or thechron (Houston Chronicle). I mean, total across the board blackout on Mary Worth. From three different sources.
All the other strips at those sites are working fine.
Whither the Worth? Or is it me?
I CAN see the comic at Seattle PI, but there is a note at the bottom saying "the vendor that supplies the comic is having technical difficulties." so it's not you, anonymous.
I can tell you, too, that Dr. Jeff Corey is wearing a bright green sport coat for the dinner. (Probably trying to pass himself off as a golf pro celebrity to impress Adrian's beau.)
I hope this eventually means a return appearance from credit/internet expert Terry Bryson. "Adrian, didn't you find his online profile a bit suspect?" "What's to suspect? He said he was a Nigerian prince who wanted to deposit some money into an American account, but needed my bank info!"
Poor Terry Bryson lives at Charterstone, too. Her paperwork has been ruffled thru, I bet. I am sure Mary kept a bit of Chesters saliva to wipe on envelopes, to keep off the postal investigators.
You know, it's kind of weird that Mary asks to know more. She really doesn't need much else to go on to start her meddling. She's no greenhorn. She should just be able to go out there and work her magic. Maybe jet lag has thrown her off her game.
I suspect trouble! Most folks who sign up for internet dating sites hope to find their "perfect match" within a certain distance from where they live, say within an hour's drive. But this guy chooses a gal living in Santa Royale, CA, and he lives in Washington, D.C.? That's quite a commute!
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