Hold on. Wait a moment. Let's be certain. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Blue uniform. Umpire's chest proector. Hand gun. Mock turtleneck. Well, it certainly looks like Scott. Okay then. NOOOOooooOOO! I think. NOOooooOOOO!
Operation H-Town is a smashing success.
Today's Full Strip
It appears that Scott has been shot squarely on his chest protec, er, bullet-proof vest, so, no harm done, eh? Or, is that "flash" on his back the site where the bullet to his chest is emerging?
Wow - I didn't see that coming!!
Neither did Scott it would appear.
Okay. There was an entire ROOM full of po-po at the "blackboard and pointer" meeting. Why then does operation "H-Town" end up being a small handful of under-armed and under-armored fellows?
Merely the words "heroin", "cartel", "gang" and "warehouse" should have given at least one of those geniuses the warning that they weren't just going to be dealing with Spanky and "Our Gang"! Sheesh!!!
That was wierd... jagger24 = tuffenuf. (sigh)
Wait! Wait! If we're going by white flashes=bullets, does that mean Scott just got shot in the back of his head? No, Scott! That's too quick! We need you around for at least another 3 weeks before you actually get to the hospital!
What was the point ot drawing the bulet proof vests if they were not goingt o be useful?
They're using the same magic bullets used to assassinate Kennedy. Up and to the left, up and to the left ...
Chester@9.34a - the bullet-proof vests do - supposedly - protect the wearer, but he's still physically stunned by the hit. Actually, I notice that Scott (or his Ken-doll clone) appears to be hit in the chest and in the leg. Both are potentially NOT life-threatening.
Do you all think Moy reads this blog?
Moy read this blog? She doesn't read English. It's a well known fact that her dialog is run through Chinese to English translation software.
I've never seen such a bunch of incompetent, unprepared cops. No helmets? No automatic weapons, tear gas, snipers, armored vehicles?
Where did Santa Royale's SWAT budget go?
I guess the terrorists WIN this one...
"Where did Santa Royale's SWAT budget go?" Sean@10.54a
The money went into hair-care products for the SWAT team.
If the white flash=bullet thing entered Scott's head where it looks like it did, of utmost concern would be damage to his temporal lobe, and one dramatic result:
Scott will spend the next few months of his life wondering why one of the doctors keeps showing him her engagement ring.
I'm not a cop, but I have flipped through police equipment supply catalogs. I believe I could randomly pick out better protection from the catalog than what the SRPD Swat team came up with! I think you are right, Phoebes. They blew their budget on hair care products! It's the only explanation!calfe
Scott is tough, though! "It's only a scratch, doc, and I'll be better just as soon as I am able" (I borrowed that line from the Beatles' Rocky Raccoon song)
LoL, I do not recall typing "calfe"! Don't have a clue what it means. :)
The description of the action...absolute poetry.
"Scott is shot."
Some of the money may have gone to hair products, but I think most of it went to join Adrian's still unaccounted for $50,000.
There once was a law man from Royale.
To both girlfriend and chief he was loyal.
On a SWAT he was not.
So of course he was shot
and girlfriend's engagement was spoiled.
Adrian must be giddily pacing the hospital hallways about now, counting down the hours until she can rush into Scott's strong arms and accept his proposal.
Well, sorry 'bout that Adrian, it ain't gonna happen.
And you can rest easy, Santa Royale, the heroin will continue to flow like water all through town. The Cartel wins!
Chester-I think they will sing,
"Tell Adrian I love her,
Tell Adrian I need her.
Tell Adrian not to cry.
My love for her will never die."
With apologies to Mark Denning
September 25, 2009 6:27 AM
Those cartellian evil-doers are some terrific marksmen, and evidently have sardonic senses of humor: notice how they've shot the yellow P O L I C E letters off the chest protectors!
First off, I love your blog! It cracks me up every time and this is my first comment.
Second, I agree with Sean. Come on - wouldn't they have SWAT gear on, including helmets?
Where's Joe Friday to organize things when you need him?
Leave it to the team of Giella and Moy to make something as simple as a shootout into a confusing visual morass. Shot from the front? Shot from the rear? Both? I've seen coloring books with easier to read action in them.
"Vicki (typing silly) said...
LoL, I do not recall typing "calfe"!"
You could have typed your WORD VERIFICATION in the wrong place..?
Thanks Taryn, post more often. But if you need Joe Friday, you'll have to settle for the Charterstone Jukebox where I added the Dragnet Theme.
I thought he got shot from behind too! Maybe his colleagues are taking revenge for being forced to look at Adrian's photo right before the raid. Or it's a mercy killing.
(Still can't remember google login!)
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