So make this Saturday your day of no cell phones (even though that's when your minutes are free), no television (even though the NCAA basketball regional finals begin that day), and no -- most evil of all -- no Interwebs. Instead, go online during the workweek and get paid for it.
(Note to my boss: This blog is meant to be ironic and satirical. I would never truly endorse wasting time at work.)
Today's Full Strip
I don't even read this blog anymore. I glance at it quickly then go outside and redraw what I remember using colored chalk on the sidewalk!
I've been offline and catching up on sleep lost due to insomnia. Have I missed anything?
Wow, what an improvement! Offline for 1 day out of every 7! Dawn, you're amazing! Does that mean that Wilbur will still be dining alone the other 6 nights?
I'm concerned that her farmville will suffer and that someone may top her score in word drop! There's a "price" to pay for ignoring one's online accounts.
As a crack addict, I am in 100% agreement with Dawn's solution to her problem. I have given up smoking on Saturdays and as a result I spend quality time with my father and do so much more in life.
Nobody finds it odd that I got a Kindle in February and I bought my daughter a kite in March?
I'm beginning to think that Moy has a random strip generator program that just pastes together random panels from the past, throughing in the occassional platitude. Unfortunately we seem to be caught in a three month loop.
And btw--I'm very concerned about Mary Worth. Has anyone seen her lately? Is she ok? There's alot of things out there that need meddling, and she's become more scarce than Judge Parker did from his own strip in the 1990s. Is Moy dragging this storyline out to cover for a mystery illness Mary is having?
p.s. yes I know she's not a real person--(right?)
Loved today's secret message. I wish Jill were back; clearly she can make every story better!
The look on Jill's face is priceless....
I'm glad Cathy is also going to work the Saturday Abstinence Program (SAP): she's so online-addicted she keeps her microwave oven next to her laptop. I bet there's a mini-fridge under her desk. And don't even ask about that bucket...
Cathy's desk seems to be floating in space. Or maybe that's just an artistic rendition of her soul floating aimlessly in cyberspace until Dawn called her with the amazing Solution To The Problem.
Dave, Mary is fine. She's just dicovered that Twitter is a wonderful way to spread her platitudes and she's very busy with that project. Soon all of Santa Royale will be drowning in platitudes and Twitter itself will be destroyed by the overload.
Dave, you are prescient! Mary was off baking her "this pie will let me into any household so I can freely meddle" pie. My guess is that Moy has a big dartboard with drawings of all her characters' faces, and she throws a dart whenever it's time to start a new story. Let's see, we just had the evils of drinking (you'll end up sitting in the gutter, wearing purple boots), the evils of too much time spent checking your online accounts (you'll end up flying a kite with your Dad and then subjected to a double face-touching), and now what? Could there be something evil about.... painting? Or.... Scotland? I only hope we stay with Toby and Ian long enough for Ian to take off his shirt at a pool party. My eyes, my eyes!
Good for Jill!
Hel-loooooooooo! I smell a Dawn-Cathy romance afoot! After all Dawn's been through, from her bad luck with the guys to her online addiction, it's definitely time for her to switch teams.
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