Everyone needs a hobby. I enjoy reading and am quickly approaching the end of David Copperfield which I started last month when I bought the Kindle that Dr. Jeff Corey had recommended. What will you be doing when you take your break from your online accounts?
Today's Full Strip
That is not Toby! It's bad enough when the "extra" characters morph shape, but Toby is a regular.
I wonder what Dawn did with the real Toby?
@Birdie: the fake "Toby" is really Jill Black. Jill is an evil shapeshifter, ready to alter her guise at will. Or perhaps it's a poltergeist of the spirit of Aldo Kelrast. You know a character has supernatural powers in this strip -- when they look in a mirror, instead of being invisible like a vampire, their reflections don't reverse like they do for mere humans.
Mary Worth is creepier than Twilight.
What is going on at Charterstone????
This panel reminds me of the Christmas video Wanders did a few years ago with Mary's head on dancing elves!
Oh, please. Please don't tell me that Toby's going to teach Dawn how to paint clowns? I don't think my wildest nightmares could cope with Toby's clowns.
When I'm not tending to my online accounts, I'm WORKING !!!! Moy might try it sometime.
Dawn is going to paint a clown outfit on Wilbur!
Phoebes, I forgot that clowns were Toby's specialty! Yikes! I might have to stop reading for a few months until this clown nightmare is past.
Does anybody ever deliberately buy clown pictures? I mean, except for those that are bought so they can be stripped to reveal the valuable painting hidden underneath?
If I'm not online, you just know that I'll be complaining to friends about how bad the connection is that I pirate from the apartments next door.
This clown talk has me thinking: it's going to be a cold, wet dreary weekend around here. If I dress like a clown and go for a ride on the bus, do you think they'll let me have my own seat?
Scariest thought ever- What if Dawn actually uses Wilbur as a model to paint a clown picture?
Today's strip confirms that Mary really is a robot: how else can she be holding with her bare hands a pie tin that (in the second panel) is still steaming.
Maybe Dawn can help update the circuitry while off-line.
My 6 year old will be so excited. he loves robots.
That's not steam coming from the pie, that's ectoplasm. "Toby" has opened the door to Mary, who has in turn opened the door for the Old Ones.
David Copperfield SPOILER:
Steerforth dies.
That's not steam coming from the pie- it's a sizeable lock of Mary's hair. (Sorry, pie fans)
Is it just me or are their heads too large for their bodies today?? Something's off (more than typical)...
Now I want to hear Dave's six-year-old's reactions to every strip.
Clowns, and don't forget also, "minatures" are both supposedly Toby Cameron's specialties. And she does all this painting while wearing dressy clothes!!
When I'm not checking my online accounts, I wear yucky old clothes at work and paint animatrons among other things.
I must admit... I once did paint a clown! (But it was a maniacal, cigar-smoking clown that would "SCARE SMALL CHILDREN", much like the items in Charley Smith's condo!) I prolly should take some lessons from Toby, if that IS Toby!
Steerforth dies???? It's hardly worth reading the novel now.
Ok, wouldn't any real artist PUT DOWN THE BRUSH before answering her door?
heydave@11:49 - if you dress like a clown and ride on the bus, they'll let you have the whole darned thing to yourself!
Now, maybe, it will get interesting, as Dawn and Toby compete for the best clown painting. Heaven help Dawn if she tries to outdo Mary's baking!
Steve, I thought it was Jill too!
Vicki@3.51p - for a time now I've been wondering who maniacal Charlie Sheen has reminded me of. Uncomfortably reminded me of. And, there it is.
Charlie Sheen reminds me of maniacal Charley in the Worthiverse.
Toby's just showing off, answering the door with a paintbrush in her hand, a virtuoso, a philanthropist, one of Santa Royale's elite... unblemished by any association with online accounts.
As if.
Especially good mouseover text today. Made me literally laugh out loud.
@Phoebes -- lol, you're right! I can see the connection of Charlie Sheen to Charley Smith, too!!!
@Chester -- Wouldn't it be a crying shame if some paint from the paintbrush got dabbed on Mary's clothes, or... if a drip of cobalt blue & turpentine landed in her pie? I mean that would be just too bad, teehee.
Steerforth dies?? Whew, I thought you were going to say he stops checking his online accounts.
Toby isn't painting clowns anymore; she's currently painting a picture of green bundt cakes.
And is Mary holding a steaming hot pie in her bare hands?
Vicki, I was thinking the same thing, that Toby shouldn't show Dawn how to paint clowns, but pictures that will scar children forever!
Has it been that long since Toby's appeared in the strip that Giella's forgotten how to draw her?
The pie is not steaming in the first panel, but it is in the second. I believe the heat is coming FROM Mary's hands. Maybe she still has hot flashes. Or maybe her robot circuitry is overloaded and she's gonna blow.
It's Bobblehead Mary! Comes with free freshly baked pie. Bobblehead Toby not included.
This meeting will later be recognized as the birth of
Charterstone's Luddite Women Nature Society. CLoWNS
Toby, desparately avoiding eye contact with Mary, is ashamed of her recent plastic surgery that went terribly,terribly wrong!
Hey, Dawn...here's a thought...now that you have so much free time, why don't you do something really constructive like GET A JOB!!!
I think having a real job, with more than 5 hours per week, is against the Charterstone regulations.
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