Just stunning work... a blue board leaning against the wall, with a blue circle next to it, and a giant replica of the paint chip we brought back from Home Depot. Such vision. He also had some triangles. I was really taken aback, until I remembered I had seen Toby Cameron's even-more-time-honored work: Wilbur as Clown

Today's Full Strip
Yes, Toby, Dawn must be very excited about clown-painting! A very venerable, time-honored tradition. And maybe Dawn, in turn, can teach you how to hold a fork.
Once again, reading the dialogue of Mary's and Toby's casual conversation, I find myself wondering: Who talks like that?
Toby's weight-maintenance strategy seems to be to eat whatever she wants, but she has to use tiny utensils. That probably means Mary ate most of her own pie.
Painting "expertise" ladies and gentlemen.
Let's also remember that calling the earth "flat" was also once a time honored tradition.
Is it just me, or does the building in the first panel have a serious lean to it? Perhaps they're on a ship? Maybe the Titanic?
Or is the strip currently so boring that the most interesting thing I can find about it is the angle that it's drawn from. That, and Dawn's strange teddy bear fetish... odd for a woman in her twenties...
Tony@8.42a - I had the same exact thought. You'd think they were talking about the Vatican ceiling art.
And if Toby's so good, why isn't she famous like the artist in the exhibit at the Smithsonian? Yeah, why not?
Oh, and Wanders, I liked your comments about those two "paintings".
One can almost see her spit dust as Mary expounds on the olde tymes.
Hey, I had this same conversation 600 years ago!
"Tempera painting is a time-honored discipline, honed over the centuries to be the art form it is!"
"It may not have the newfangled dazzle of oil painting, but I find satisfaction in it!"
Oh, wait.
"Fast Dazzle". Oh yeah, baby! How awesome is this!? I have NEVER seen those two words in juxtapositon before! I want to start using them in conversation!
How could the fast dazzle of computer graphics ever compare to the time honored tradition of clown oil painting? Just think of the great masters' series of clown paintings. I believe that Dawn will soon find a new purpose to life.
Tpby's oil's of clowns compares to the time honored tradition of oil painting as painting my bedroom ceiling does to the the painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
Toby, use a fork, not your paint brush
Chester, that is exactly what I thought! That, and the fact that Mary's piece looks like it would fit perfectly in the pie, leaving Toby with a mystery piece. On a side note, when I first started reading MW, I thought Toby was a boy's name and Ian was someone's grandfather (or Captain Ahab). So glad I can share that with someone as my husband doesn't get my fascination with MW and this blog.
In Sunday's comic, Wilbur is STILL wearing the same shirt and vest he wore for kite flying with Dawn. Take a shower, Wilbur, and change into our favorite shirt! Or, has Wilbur been just too "busy" to do any laundry? My word verification is paphol???
MM: Mary took a piece of HER apple pie (poorly baked), and Toby snuck a slice of her own good cherry pie out of her own fridge.
Mary: I love my apple pie, don't you, Toby?
Toby: Yes, Mary, I do. I love your cherry, er, apple pie.
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