Mary is bound and determined to find out why it is Dawn has more free time. Of course, now that Dawn is offline, she won't be able to complete half her assignments at Local University, forcing her to drop out and giving her even MORE free time. Maybe she'll be able to do more reading once she moves the sectional away from the bookshelf.
Today's Full Strip
Doesn't Local U. have an art department? All Toby can paint are clowns and green Jello molds.
Aaah, perhaps now the meddling will commence!
Would that be a clown painting behind Wilbur? A little foreshadowing of Dawn's future, perhaps...
I want to see Dawn produce an oil painting of Wilbur in a clown suit, touching his chin and giving us that smirk we've all learned to hate, while pondering his next tweet.
Deal with THAT, Mary.
Wow, Mary's reduced to playing "meddling catch-up."
So, this week Wilbur will explain to Mary what happened last week?
Everyone shrinks in Mary's presence.
@heydave- OMG! I'm having visions of John Wayne Gacy now!
Yes, Wanders, it's very kind of Wilbur to offer his guests cola and broccoli florets when they come to visit! Yum, yum, yum.
Well, I for one, am hoping Dawn soon advances to PORTRAIT painting, as I think their condo could use a few more pictures of Dawn n' Wilbur together.
You can never have too many of those,esp. when they're really bad, amateurish paintings!
I'm no mathematician, but it seems to me that we can work a simple formula here:
(Time gained not using the internet 1 day a week) - (Time lost learning how to paint clowns in Toby's Condopartment) = no gain of free time
Am I missing something here? The only gain is that the amount of time used on Mary Worth and Wilbur approved activites has grown.
I've been out of town for a week and only had spotty access to my online accounts. It was grueling, but fortunately, I've been able to check in with MW&M at least once a day so that I would not be totally out of the loop upon returning. I assume you all agree that it can be challenging to follow the fast pace and complex story lines of this comic strip!
At this point, I believe this is the story that simply will not die. I really hope that we'll go back to Toby's (or her imposter's) place soon for some one-on-one therapeutic painting sessions. But knowing from past experiences, Mary will probably regurgitate the line of Dawn having "more free time now" for the rest of the week, sitting on various Charterstonians' seating arrangements eating lumpy food and drinking brownish beverages. Oye!
PS: your comments entertained me royally all week. Thanks for the laughs. You're such a funny bunch!
In summary, over the past three months, we have witnessed:
1) Dawn's internet addiction eating into quality time with dad.
2) Dawn being cured of addiction by flying kite with dad.
3) Dawn using Saturday free time to learn to oil paint.
Is the story over? Have I missed anything?
Who discusses (or cares about) how others use their free time? "Well, Wilbur, too bad that your daughter has had to drop out of Local U. because she never did her assignments because she was too busy checking her online accounts. I know that having a dropout daughter must be an embarrassment to you, but as long as she knows how to paint clown portraits and fly kites, she should be able to support you in your old age by buying you a quarter of a pound of chip-chop ham and a giant loaf of Wonder Bread every week."
I have a kind suggestion for Dawn...GET A LIFE!!!
Has Dawn chosen her college major yet?
Dawn was a information systems major until Wilbur cured her of the Internet. Now she's trying to choose between being a telephone operator or a stenographer.
OK, we get it...don't try to facebook Dawn on Saturdays from now on, cuz she busy painting clowns.
That's a good point. Who the heck pushes their couch up against the bookshelf? Oh yeah. Wilbur.
Yeah. More time to paint. And, perchance, more time to pursue Cathy? I don't care what what anyone thinks. Dawn's GAY, people!
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