Well, in the same two months it took me to read "Dawn Overcomes her Internet Obsession by Flying a Kite," I also read "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens - I just finished it last night. Same length of time, but "David Copperfield" had about three billion more words. And was about three billion times better as well. GASP! I actually said something critical about Mary Worth? Yes. While I may be the strip's biggest fan, even I can see that this story was just not up to the normal, stellar level of other stories such as "Kurt and Wilbur go Fishing," and "Bonnie Goes Shopping." However, the one good thing that I can say about the "Dawn's Kite Addiction" story is that, if you count the little preface in January about whether or not Mary would like to use a Kindle, it did convince me to buy a Kindle, which is what I read "David Copperfield" on. So in a way, "Dawn Learns to Paint Kites" will be forever linked in my mind with the great literature of Charles Dickens.
Speaking of my Kindle, I can see that Jeff still hasn't set his down...

Perhaps Jeff will explain to Dawn's old boyfriend, Dr. Drew Corey, M.D., that he can subscribe to his Men's Workout comic book on a Kindle. Surely Drew is no Luddite.
I actually enjoyed the pace of this storyline. Especially after the roller coaster ride that was Adrian and Scott's wedding. It's kinda like watching the paint dry on one of Jody's latest works of art.
Somehow "Men's Workout" magazine just made my day in a way that only Mary Worth can.
"To chocolate milk and broccoli!" I love it! :D
Maybe Dawn will be able to paint a tasteful nude of Drew, all flexy and such... in clown make up!
That look on Jeff's face - is he happy his son is home, or can't wait to say goodbye? Perhaps this is the start of a stellar new story line!
If this is such a classy place to live, why is every lampshade cracked?
Doctor Drew is still in town? He's pumping iron? and I've been watching Wilbur?!?
I am not sure if they are clinking glasses with a garnish, or tearing a poor, defenseless teddy bear in half!
Oh the humanity!
(@ Mary -- I agree. the Men's Workout magazine/comic struck me that way as well).
Drew sure is enjoying his magazine. I'm beginning to see why he has yet to commit himself to any woman.
They should all be committed.
I'm glad we've determined these two males are Drs. Jeff and Drew Corey, b/c for a moment there I thought we were being introduced to two NEW characters!
Well, Dr. Drew is already soooo hunky and hawt(*gag*) he couldn't possibly need improvement. Perhaps that fitness comic is headed for the mailbox of Wilbur Weston.
You just know he can't wait for Mary to leave so he can ditch the broccoli and break out the cookies and crackers!
That's IT???????
Poor Dr. Jeff--he appears to have had a stroke that has paralyzed part of his face a'la Gary Bussey or Eddie Money (I'm sure resulting from his use of technology). Be careful with your Kindle Wanders!
I am so excited, because our intrepid artists seem to have stumbled upon the next fecund field of education and entertainment: THE MAJOR MUSCLE GROUPS! Wherever this story is heading, it's going to be great! Will Dr. Corey the younger take Wilbur the pudgy under his muscly wings and teach him about pecs and quads and abs?
I'll try not to be too hopeful, though, because tomorrow, Drew could very well put down his magazine and say, "Well, dad, it was great connecting with you on so many levels again, but I gotta boogie back to Vietnam. Toodles!"
Back to you, Mary!
Why is Wilbur's head twice the size of Mary's? Do you think he's been taking performance enhancing drugs? And where did their necks go?
Wait a second, "Men's Workout" is a real magazine!
They must be rolling in the endorsement dough over there at Mark Worth Inc. I predict, next time we see Marcys it will be Macys.
I just found this blog via my sister and I have been laughing for the past 2 days! My family has been making commentary like this for *years* and I am so excited to have found more people that appreciate Mary Worth the way we do.
Your family friendly atmosphere and respect for Mr. Rogers sealed the deal! I am following for sure. Thank you!
I sincerely hope there is a Worth Awards category this year for "Most Lame Storyline", because this is a cinch for the winner. Thanks to everyone for hangin' in there, but this just has to be the worst I've seen in the 4 yrs. I've been following MW.
Isn't that the magazine that went "internet only" last year?
Jeff sure is enjoying it, but better slip it back under his bed before Wilbur sees it.
I meant Drew, not Jeff, sorry.
@Elizabeth: Welcome to Santa Royale. Be sure to become a citizen by following the blog. I'm glad you found us.
@Dave in Parma: Great minds think alike. Be sure to read your free secret message by holding your cursor over each image. It's a free gift to you from me.
(I was referring to the one that just ended -- "Go Fly a Kite".)
I'm sure Dickens would be thrilled. :-)
Thanks for the "cha ching!" :-)
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