"I really just don't know how long I'll be here... I could decide to fly to Vietnam tomorrow, or a week from now, or maybe even in 12 years. There's just no saying what you'll do when you're a spontaneous international traveler with an unrestricted visa and a golden pass on
[Product Placement Here] Airlines."
Note: Contact Mary Worth and Me to learn how your airline can receive valuable mentions on this blog.
Will the kite flying routine work it's magic work with Jeff and whateverhisnameis?
Will they spend quality time together?
Will we ever find out what Jeff is pointing at? Is it is chest hair? His Collar? A DOOR??!?!
And those books...what about the electronic reading device?? Is it broken? Are they real books? Are they hiding the entrance to the Bat Cave?
I'm gnashing my teeth in anticipation of another nail biting story line.
I'm just happy to see that whatshisname (Drew?) has put down the "Men's Workout" mag and printed out some emails to read instead. Mary Worth would approve.
What kind of relationship does he have with the hospital that allows him to randomly "put in some hours" there? Don't most hospitals schedule their doctors, rather than using any doctor who happens in off the street?
Maybe they're in special need of extra help right now, with his sister, their top faith-healer and band-aid applier, still on her honeymoon.
Are you gonna tell me that now Drew is gonna hang with Wilbur, flying kites while in clown costumes, as his Dad hits on Dawn?
Because I would be so down with that.
And away we go. I'm just giddy with anticipation.
Oh, Steven W4922, so many questions, so few satisfying answers! Please don't bite your nails too far down in anticipation, it will all be for naught. As a twist on what Anonymous said yesterday, maybe we should all be committed...
"To celebrate your return from Vietnam, I have painted my den black"
Oh my gosh, I cannot tell you what my word verification is today. It is a terribly, terribly naughty phrase!
Dear Ms. Birdie,
I'm glad you asked about the fine institution of Santa Royale Hospital and its operation. Since the beginning of 2008, we have been implementing a new business model, run strictly on a volunteer basis. Whatever medical professional happens to be in town merely contacts Jill in administration, who will then use her best judgment (if she is sober that day) to put that person to his or her most efficient use. Early results indicate that this approach is very successful indeed.
Kind regards,
Chairman of the Board
I guess since his sister didn't have any time to speak to him at her wedding reception, Drew is hanging around waiting for her to return from her extended local honeymoon.
@ Chairman Shmoopie -- and don't forget your wonderful volunteers, one of whom even offers FREE psychotherapy on the couch! "Medical degrees, shmedical degrees", who needs 'em!?
Now we're going to see what happens when a father and his child spend TOO MUCH quality time together.
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