Attention: In the coming months, you may hear me make snide remarks about Dr. Drew Corey, M.D. Please know that any such statements are made out of pure jealousy. What guy wouldn't want to have such captivating powers over such impressive women as Dawn, Vera and now Liza with a Z.
You can tell he's at Mountview Hospital because there is an arrow on the wall.
Oh, by the way, yes, we have a new airline sponsor: Pan Am. Their theme song is the newest song on the Jukebox in the column on the right. Thanks to faithful reader Charlie for helping make the arrangements. I think this will be a lucrative deal for both of us, and may just save Pan Am.
Today's Full Strip
Moy is losing her creative flair with dialogue. When Liza saw Dr. Drew, her thought should have been, "Hel-lo!"
It's really interesting how medical doctors can decide to show up at any local hospital, grab some medical records, and make the rounds. Is Mountview Hospital that hard up for medical personnel? Or perhaps this is how its's done.. if so, I hope it works for Ph.Ds as well. Next time I'm in Boston I'll show up in Harvard, walk into their English department, and start teaching. Should be fun!
What? Another love/stalking/obsession story in the making? And without Mary having yet nudged someone in the right direction? I was looking forward to terribly inaccurate information involving muscles. I considered this another bait-and-switch. Just like when Mary was standing on that stool in the middle of her kitchen and we all thought, whoah - accident! ambulance! surgery! painful rehab! - only to end up with a lukewarm "story" about kindles and kites.
Haven't I seen this phony doctor routine before, but with the Stooges?
I liked that one better.
What kind of wave is that? Is Drew a doctor or a despot?
Liza with a Z is hungry for a doctor...finally one showed up.
Poor lovesick Liza; as we learned on Wednesday, Drew doesn't roll that way. Fortunately, Mary Worth, Mountview Hospital's book distributor and volunteer psychiatrist, can put him on the couch and "straighten" him out for you.
Drew looks like he's waving to someone exiting The Mens Room.
Liza with a Z sort of resembles a young Glenn Close- does this mean we're in for an exciting ''Fatal Attraction'' thriller? I'm trembling with anticipation! ''I won't be ignored, Drew!''
I think Mary might decide to nudge Nurse Liza-with-a-z out of the picture, and nudge Dawn in. How can Dr. Drew possibly make his own romantic connection without her?
Hmph, next time I'm in a hospital, I'm bringing a clipboard! I had no idea what I was missing!
Little nurse Eva Braun should be careful who she gets involved with, even if he does read men's Workout. Does anyone else find that little 'Seig heil' wave a little creepy?
Will this plot focus on lovely nurse "love is not for me" Braun, or on Dr. Jeff's dabbling in performance enhancing drugs. (my guess is an unclear blend of the two). Will Dr. Drew's head swell to a larger size like Barry Bonds (always a possibility with this artwork). Will Dr. Drew work to whip Wilbur into shape?
Well, Liza's got the perfect excuse to get Dr. Drew Cory to talk to her--she can show him how to use a clipboard. It's clearly empty in the first panel, and in the second he's attempting to shove a piece of paper through it.
They probably don't have clipboards in Vietnam. Or in the pages of Men's Workout magazine.
There are starving people out there that would be perfectly happy to eat that clipboard!
ok, time to analyze the name "Liza", with a Z. hmmm...Liza = lizard?? Maybe she has a cold heart? A forked tongue? Changes like a chameleon? Or,... is she a LI-ar? We need a last name to be sure.
Not that it matters, b/c in a coupla' days we'll all be sick to death of the storyline and rue the day we first heard of "Men's Fitness" mag!
What's up with the lack of pony tail? At least she has blonde hair.
@Maude 11:31 am: I was thinking the same thing. A stalker story! I can hardly wait the three or four weeks it will take this story to get off the ground! I'm jotting down some possible scenarios on my clipboard right now.
Dr. Drew, forgetting he is not in Vietnam, raises is hand in the universal gesture of peace while uttering the word "How".
somewhere in a Vietnam hospital, some poor soul's plaintive cry is heard--"doctor? doctor, please, where is the doctor?" as he lies pitifully on his hospital bed.
Hmm. I think Liza with a Z is a former Pan Am stewardess who has "experience".
I'm sorry, reading this comic strip finally made me feel like I had irradiated blood and I had to back away from it.
Are we over the Dawn .com addiction FaceFriendlysterBook storyline yet?
Someone mentioned a ping pong ball a few days ago, and that's how I'm feeling these days with these new story lines appearing and disappearing so quickly. I'm much more used to the normal glacial pace. But these days: kite flying! together time! pies! tiny forks! meddling! painting lessons! body-building magazines! clipboards! emergency room arrows! "SAY, check out the hunky doctor!" I'm getting whiplash.
I'm also confused. Is it Dr. Corey, as we've been spelling it here? or is it Dr. Cory, as Liza with a Z (good name coinage, Wanders) is saying it?
Oh, Punky... How long have I been mispronouncing this? I went back and checked and it's always been pronounced "Cory."
I need to go change all my labels. Yikes.
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