I feel the same way after my experience writing this blog. As was noted in yesterday's comments, today marks my 1,000th Mary Worth post on this blog. It's been incredibly humbling and enriching. I hope in some small way, my modest and humble efforts, have transformed the world. That may be too much for someone as humble and unassuming as me to hope for, but being so beneficent, I can hope for no less.
Today's Full Strip
so not only is Liza late for her 4:30 shift, but now seems to be blowing the whole thing off to have dinner with Drew later...Unless they have having dinner after midnight when a typical 4:30 shift would probably end.
I find myself fascinated by the secondary characters in today's "you're a fascinating man, Drew Cory" panel. The couple on the left look like it's 1952 and they are bowing their heads in prayer that Dwight Eisenhower will defeat Adlai Stevenson. And the mustachioed gent on the right, turning around to glare at Nurse Liza with a Z, is clearly onto her game; "There she goes again, with her pointing and her flirting, she's found a new victim and I bet she's about to blow off another shift."
"And you're a fascinating woman, Liza Colby, what with your two jobs--as a nurse AND a daytime TV soap character!
Congratulations! With exclamation points! On your 1,000th post, Wanders!
I am in Chicago this weekend to attend a wedding shower of the daughter of a close friend. At the shower yesterday, we were talking about the Happy Couple's honeymoon plans and someone said they were going to Bora Bora. Not Tora Bora, I asked? No, Bora Bora. And where were they staying? Why, at the Four Seasons. I didn't say anything about Mary Worth and drunken hospital administratorsand the rest. I just laughed to myself inside.
1,000 episodes! That means I've been coming here a century! Or these "plots" make it feel that way!
What does LiZa do? It can't be related to food, or meds, or "accident" clean up, all timely tasks. She is way too cavalier (ooh, Dr, Drew! did you notice yet?) with whatever her stining job is to act this way.
But thank you, humble Mr. Wanders, for personally moving a huge portion of my intertubes time to Santa Royale!!1!
Thank you for the 1000 posts!!! I find I'm always attractively appreciating this blog, and couldn't do without my daily dose!! Or my exclamation points!
Oh, that humble Dr. Drew! It makes him all the more attractively appreciatable! Go ahead, Liza-with-a-Z, destroy your career and head for dinner!
Congratulations on your 1,000th blog Wanders. I look forward to 1,000 more!
Congrats, Wanders! Thanks for doing this!
And Punky, I'm kinda glad to know that I wasn't the only one fascinated by the background folks...the look on the guy with the mustache is just awesome.
Congrats! I say let's throw a pool party for Wanders. Salmon squares and kites all around.
The disconnect between the Sunday storyline and the six daily strips is a bit disconcerting. Yesterday, Drew was chiding Liza for not upholding the high standards of the hospital when she was going to be late for her shift; today, he's going to dinner with her during her shift. Or doesn't the Sunday Liza have a shift?
The man in the far left of the panel looks like a smallish Wilbur. I wonder if he rides smallish horses?
You will be able to use those 1000 posts
to build that humble (b)log cabin in the woods.
It feels like we've been plopped into some kind of re-do (or maybe it's doo-doo!) of last week's story. I mean, Dr. Drew no longer seems at all concerned with how Liza is representing the hospital! The cafeteria no longer looks like the cafeteria. Dr. Drew, fascinating though he is, no longer looks like Dr. Drew. And where has the blue man gone?...It's like moy and joe said "wait, let's back up and try this again"
Wanders, congrats on your 1,000 blog posts! As others have said, we are truly appreciatively attracted to them and thank you for connecting with us on many levels!
Congrats, Wanders! I'd try to make it to the pool party, but I'm too busy touching my face.
Thanks, Wanders.
djangosmom, if they're having dinner after midnight, the lights out in the parking lot are aw'fly bright...
1,000 also happens to be the number of weeks that Drew ages between panels 1 and 2.
A happy coincidence!
Congratulations, Wanders, and thank you for this blog!
I wonder where Liza with a z will take Dr. Drew for dinner? This cafeteria? The Bum Boat? The Diner?
Will they, ahem, just happen to run into Mary??? I cannot wait.
Congratulations on your 1000th post and deepest thanks for the great joy and happiness you give us readers every day.
I hope that you have found this blog incredibly humbling ... and enriching at the same time, as I unquestionably have.
You're a fascinating man, Wanders!
Thanks again.
I will stick with this story for the slim chance that LiZa and Dr Drew will get married and they will ask Jill to wedding-plan (she has "wedding planning" experience, after all!) But I'll also stick with this story because this blog is fabulous. This is my first time commenting, but I've been a reader for awhile, and y'all are hilarious. Thanks to you and (unintentionally) Mary Worth for the laughs! And happy 1000th!
Happy 1000th, Wanders! And thank you for this blog. It means so much to all of us who used to read Mary Worth and say, "Huh?" Thanks to you, we know there is a profound meaning in every strip.
Dear Wanders, thank you for making me laugh every day. I'd carry you to the vets in my bike basket any day. Happy 1000!
Chester the Dog
Liza with a Z must carry blonde wigs in her purse...
see RogerBw. they haven't eaten yet. I know it's hard to follow time spans in the Worthiverse. Just because the windows say daylight, doesn't mean a thing.
btw, Thank you Wanders!
Congratulations, Wanders, on the 1,000th anniversary of your amazing support group. I once suffered with my Worth-ism all alone - but now share my happy affliction with you and your wonderful bloggers. (And I get daily belly laughs, too!)
Verification word: dyant - as in, "I'm dyant to see Jill Black return to this slow storyline!"
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