Drew trembles in anticipation as he awaits for his date to pick him up for dinner. It's 6:06 p.m. Only 24 more minutes until the beautiful Liza arrives! While he waits, he mentally explains to himself what is going on. "Liza asked me out. Liza asked
me out. Wait. What does that mean? Will she be paying for dinner, or will I?" Meanwhile, at Liza's lair, Liza waits for Drew to pick
her up. Society has neatly defined gender roles for a reason, people. You mess those up, and no one knows what is going on.
Today's Full Strip
It appears that Drew keeps his shirts, blankets and toiletries in a bookcase. Also, the mirror does not accurately reflect his facial features, the position of his necktie, or his hands.
What kind of crazy swingin' bachelor pad does this guy live in?
Uh, what happened to Liza's nursing shift?
@Tony - the question is more like, what happened to Liza's career? Oh well, it's certainly worth the sacrifice so that she can treat Dr. Drew to dinner.
To Moy's credit, she moved this along pretty well. Instead of spending a month on Liza's nursing shift, watching her agonize over this date, we immediately skipped to less than half an hour before the date. That's progress, I say.
As always, this strip has awesome potential - foreshadowed by the, as usually, clumsily and inaccurately drawn mirror reflections and the cafeteria windows and curtains that sneaked into Dr. Ego Boost's bedroom.
I think over the next few weeks, we will end up seeing him locked in the dank basement of nurse Liza's lair. Endless possibilities! With exclamation points!
Had to laugh out loud when I saw the time being 6:06. Liza's shift started at 4:30 - and we know she was late for that one. So can we assume that it lasted about 15 minutes? But I keep forgetting that at Freelance General, people make their own hours.
Maybe it's 6:06 a.m.
Where is Drew Corey staying? Is he at Jeff Corey's place or a "crazy swingin' bachelor pad" as mentioned in another post?
I believe he is meeting up with Liza on her next 5 hour break during the 4:30 shift.
That pretty blonde nurse said she's bring my medication at 6... I wonder where she is? Ooh, my right arm feels funny... so does my left one... AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!
What kind of person thinks to himself "What an ego boost!"? I find that disturbing. It wouldn't surprise me if a sudden rash of suspicious patient deaths starts occuring at Mountview Hospital, followed by Drew's hasty departure back to Vietnam. The question is, how deeply will Liza Cory be drawn into Drew's web before he flees the country to return to his "charitable work" in Vietnam.
Sorry for the dark subject matter. I raised the spectre of mercy killings with Jill Black too. I can't help myself. Wildly unbalanced characters in the health care professions just add up that way in my imagination.
In "reality", I think we're mainly looking a gross imcompetence, which is pretty frightening but not as dramatic.
Can we have a new character, romantically linked to an established character that doesn't have some kind of semi-elaborate (yet disappointingly tame) back story? How long will it take Karen Moy to unspool the story behind Liza's aggressive pursuit of Dr. Drew Cory. It's not like I'm going anywhere, so let 'er rip!
Congrats on 1001 Wanders. You are one of my favorite internet people.
Because if there's anything Dr. Drew Corey, Stunningly Handsome Doctor Who Every Woman Ever Is Attracted To and Who Does Volunteer Work With Poor Children Because He's Just Such A Good Person needs...it's an "ego boost."
Run, Lisa, run! Run while you still can, before his swollen ego destroys you both!
Is Liza with a Z picking Drew up in the same car she drives around with Aretha Franklin. Watch out for those half eathen Snickers bars, Drew!
Why does Joe Giella keep trying to draw relfections! I mean, god bless him, but relections are hard. We know this. Apartment 3-G knows better; Frank Bolle won't even try to draw reflections (or pianos, or architecture, or plays on stage, or people from the waist down). We did get treated to a lovely toilet brush recently, though.
Liza with a Z's relentless pursuit of "ego-boosted" Dr. Drew reminds me of a phrasebook I once took to Italy. It was many years ago and I didn't know a word of Italian then, so I figured the phrasebook could help me in certain situations. There was one set of phrases for going out at night that reminds me so much of Liza with a Z. The questions ran in this order, and I kid you not: "Do you know a good place to go dancing?" "Do you come to this disco often?" "Would you like to dance?" "Is that your wife/husband?" "Can I take you home?"
As I said, inexorably heading toward one outcome - much like our Liza with a Z. However, in a much more amusing fashion. And it got to the point a whole lot quicker.
Today I'm obsessed with the sheer SIZE of that mirror!! How tall is that thing anyways!?
And who folds shirts up like that and neatly puts them in an armoire these days? Does he not have any closets, or are they just too full of skeletons?
I do hope they go to Golden Corridor whereby Liza proceeds to ask him for 50K to help a "sick relative". Everyone at Mountview still chuckles at how gullible his sister was. It's worth a try, esp. since LiZa missed her 4:30 shift and all...
Maybe he should make all the characters vampires, and then he won't have to worry about those pesky reflections anymore.
Doesn't Drew hear the warning bells? He must be overwhelmed with the ego boost. And all along we thought he had good self esteem. That Moy is just full of surprises.
You know those cheesy murder mystery shows where at the reveal they flashback to a clue, like a clock? I feel like that is what is going on here. Some how, that clock showing 6:06pm will provide an alibi for Dr Drew.
I agree this ego boost has arrived just in time. Drew's rampant humility was getting rather oppressive.
I'm pretty sure we're in for another addiction story. Liza's really a desperate drug addict who plans to seduce Drew into writing excessive prescriptions for her. If this weren't MW, it could be an interesting--even titillating--storyline. But in the end, he'll take her kite-flying at the park and she'll be cured.
Oooooh, or maybe LiZa's a sex addict, and she really will keep Dr. Drew locked in a secret room in her house, meanwhile confiscating his phone and sending texts and tweets to let everyone know he had an emergency back in Vietnam. Dawn, meanwhile, will catch that tweet ONLY if it's not on a Saturday, which she has sworn off for electronic communication devices. This could get good!
My word is feten, which is ominously close to fetish, which is ominously close to LiZa.
I think the other comments here speculating on the upcoming plot are much more interesting then what is going to materialize - two boring characters slouching toward a heteronormative relationship.
Oh Karen with a K, you are most likely right about the direction this story will take. However, I refuse to see reason! I am hoping and praying for an all out Kathy Bates in Misery type storyline. Can't you just see it? Liza tricks the good doctor into her basement, then holds him captive there. Meanwhile, no one in his family or at the hospital misses him because they think he just doesn't feel like volunteering and/or went back to Vietnam with his big bag of humbleness. The folks in Vietnam figure he abandoned them and decided to stay in the US. It would be so perfect! But a storyline about how it's important to show up for your nursing shift on time would be cool too. Sigh!
@Patient in Room 54B, LOL!! Fellow MW-ites, you are at the top of your game today. All I can add is...Worst Reflection Drawing Ever. Why is his tie flat in the mirror but flying like a kite in his real hands, among other things?
i say by next tuesday there on the dessert course . dr drew will refuse coffee with his pie
I hate to say this, but I fear there's going to be a huge misunderstanding of intentions and a sexual harrassment claim will be filed by one side or the other.
Regarding that ominous shadowy figure reflected in the mirror behind the humble-but-easily-flattered Dr. Corey: has Liza shown up early? Does the stalking begin this soon?
So...was Liza's shift only an hour and half long? Or were she and Drew having coffee at 4:30 AM? I'm confused...fancy that.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Will Giella draw it right at all?
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