Friday, April 15, 2011

Mary Worth 1,005

Liza Scissorhands is ready to snip the head off her paper doll man.

Today's Full Strip


Dave in Parma said...

Is the man hand of Liza (with a Z) back, or is someone making shadow crocodiles?

My 6 year old is already caliing her "Liza, that stalker nurse." Not sure where he learned the word stalker.

Elaine said...

THIS is the dialogue we've been building up to all week? 'You intrigue me to no end?' '...Mysteries are meant to be solved...' LiZa, you astound me, you've been having the raciest thought bubbles all week long, and that's the best you can come up with??

My word today is anomonkh - this strip is enough to drive anyone towards monk-hood.

heydave said...

Whew! I always worry that if I have to be away on business (nothing as exciting as hospital rebuilding, nonetheless...) that something might happen and I'll miss it.

silly me!

Shmoopie said...

This story is so boring, the milk in Dr. Man of Mystery's glass decided to make things interesting and stop obeying the laws of physics, remaining parallel to the rim instead of behaving like a good liquid should. The doctor IS drinking milk, right? Between the cafeteria and this fine restaurant, I would say he is on his 35th glass. Roughly.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't she mean "intrigue me no end"? "Intrigue me TO no end" would indicate that there is no particular goal or purpose to all this intrigue."

Joolz said...

Drew keeps responding either with riddles or "Tell me more about my fascinating self!" I can see why Liza's so intrigued.

Karen with a K said...

I'm not sure what is so intriguing about Dr. Drew to LiZa. Is it that he likes his job? I don't think she knows about his Men's Magazine fetish, which is to me the only intriguing facet of his life that we've been shown.

Anonymous said...

I think she means "intrigue me to no good end".

Maude Findlay said...

Why does everyone in this strip point fingers/use weird hand gestures all the time? As a child, I was always taught that pointing in someone's face was rude. Could it be that Santa Royale's residents have no manners?

Anonymous said...

No, it means that Uncle Joe has a hand fetish.

Vicki said...


LiZa(with a Z) "likes" Dr.Drew!!!

Brick said...

Liza's words: "future", "we", "match" and "no end". Drew's words: "minute", "spark", "now" and "glance".

If Liza accepts the invitation to "solve" the "mystery" of Drew "in the moment", I foresee heartbreak.

word verification: "nesti" I think Liza is nesting

Elaine said...

@Vicki - this is great, I can see where it's going now -
LiZa is going to get a facebook account so she can 'like' Drew and Dawn, in her 24 hour monitoring of the interweb, will see that and will go into a jealous rage! Jill, meanwhile, will 'like' both Drew and LiZa and offer up her services while on a weekend binge. Moy, pick up on this storyline and give us something interesting, please!!!

Dave in Parma said...

@Schmoopie: Maybe Dr Drew is doing the old "drink so much milk that i feel bloated and sick so the paramedics need to rush me away from this woman" trick. Well played Dr. Drew. Well played.

@Vicki: thanks for ruining it for me. I didn't see that coming. now I have no reason to read MW for the next 3 months other than the snarky comments (oh wait.....).

Limber Joe said...

I have nothing to add, other than my verification word is "thentice"

Anonymous said...

Would the picture on the wall behind Dr Drew ,
be that of a famous Santa Royale honeymoon resort?

Is this some kind of omen for our hapless pair?

My verification of wordness is APTIO.

Could that be the same block as Apartment 3G?

Anonymous said...

My verification word is "fecon", which I believe is a fertilizer made from old Mary Worth strips.

NE Ohioan said...

LiZa of the man hands has a migrating necklace. (My word verification is mancip...I think this is what Dr. Drew is taking in panel 2.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This blog's been spammed!

Which is why it's stupid beyond measure to post your word verifications, since spammers can pick up on them and use them to ruin the experience for the rest of us by clogging the comments with crap!

Wanders, if you're not being paid to have your board spammed with ads, you may want to look into warning (or banning) users who make anti-spam verification words available to spammers in their posts. Or edit their posts to remove their tip-offs to the spammers.

Elaine, Brick, Limber Joe, Graham, anonymous, NE Ohioan - please stop helping the poo-flinging spamtards!

Elaine said... far as the anti-spam words go, i thought that was a random 'word' and wouldn't be repeated. i, for one, have never had the same word twice...and, i just tried using a word that appeared previously and it didn't work - so how can spammers use those words? sorry if i've contributed to this problem!!!!

heydave said...

I confess that I fabricate my verification words just to sound cool and fit in with the hep kids.

Hermite said...

I dunno. I think Wanders has the ability to stop posts before they happen. Maybe this one was just too good to toss out. It does seem to sound like what's going through LiZa's brain as she waves her spoon about like a baton. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo....we have a return guest appearance of Chin Napkin!

kathyo said...

Has New Yorker, Karen Moy, ever BEEN to California, where this strip supposedly takes place? I lived in Southern California 43 years, bought three condos, and never heard anyone refer to "closing on an apartment." The regional real estate jargon apparently slipped by Moy's NYC editors also.

Oh, I WISH I could share my word verification! Suffice to say it is an actual word and describes the emotion I am feeling as I read today's strip.

Anonymous said...

Moy has editors?

Maude Findlay said...

Let's hope Bonnie Johnson doesn't see that spam post- it could set Ernie back a pretty penny!

Anonymous said...

I really think that the word verifications are specific to each post.

duckduckgoose said...

yep... me too.

Anonymous said...

Mary tried to warn us of the dangers of using the internet! Perhaps we'll listen now.

Brick said...

word verification today (not really) - spoon-feed!

Vicki said...

yep, in my neck of the woods you may "close" on a house or a condo, but you don't close on an apartment! You just sign the lease and you move yer stuff in. So...LiZa, DUH!! And put down the spoon already.

Anonymous said...

"Open up, here comes the strained pea choo-choo..."

James in ND said...

I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I spent the entire weekend reading it, starting from #1 up to the present. My neighbors upstairs are probably wondering what in Sam Hill I've been cackling at since Saturday morning. Kudos to you, and here's to a thousand more blog entries detailing everybody's favorite busybody, Mary Worth! :)

Punky said...

I went back through April and pasted in Liza's more pointed comments. I hardly see what Dr. Drew has done to warrant all of this single-minded devotion, but he should worry about how much of the crazy she's already starting to show. For your reading pleasure:

Looking better than ever, I must say!
I’m great, and better than ever now you’re back!
You’re looking very well, Drew!
Tell me more!
For you and for me, the moment is now!
Drew, I like your attitude. You have an attractive appreciation for life!
I’m attracted to that happiness, and I’d like to add to it…
Are you enjoying life? Now I am…
I can’t help but look forward to the future…with you!
[My shift] can wait! That’s not as important as being in the moment… here with you!
You’re a fascinating man, Drew Cory!
I won’t take no for an answer!
Speaking of sparks…
I like a man who has passion for his work! I like YOU, Drew!
My passions? They vary… but I’m considering a new one!
I can tell we’re a good match, Drew!
I’ve never met anyone like you! You intrigue me to no end!
I like getting what I want!
I’m very determined when I want something!

Forget the ego-stroking and run for the hills, Dr. Drew!

Wanders said...

Thanks, Punky! I had planned to do the same sort of analysis, but won't be able to resume blogging fit at least another day or two. I'm trying to close on an apartment. This story could get mildly interesting if Vera showed up and was available. I could just imagine how Glenn Clozzzze would react to that!

Anonymous said...

I've been out of touch and haven't read the strip since April 10, so reading a week's worth of lascivious thought bubbles all at once made me a little dizzy. Don't REAL stalkers say those things out loud? So maybe LiZa's just a wannabe stalker, and Drew is the first guy she's ever tried to stalk.

Shmoopie said...

Thanks for that summary, Punky. That is powerful writing! I believe my brain melted a little bit reading it.....because it is so awesome.

kathyo said...

Best performance in a supporting role: the coffee mug. Is there an unwritten rule of comic strip art that whenever two characters have a simple conversation, a beverage must be involved?

Dave in Parma said...

@Punky--that's 15 minutes of your life that you'll never have back. Thanks for sacrificing for us!

Perhaps we can have a "Most redundant cast comments" award at the year end Worthy awards this year at year end.

Elaine said...

@Punky - I want to chime in with a 'thanks!' for using your 15 minutes of fame all for us! Those comments really clarify things about LiZa...unfortunately...

Vicki said...

I'll add my thanks for the recap, Punky! That kind of writing makes me feel shiver-y all over. Or maybe buzzy. I'm not sure.

Jeff, really??? He makes it sound like "poor Drew, can't find a nice lady" when in fact Drew is a two-timing jerk with women!

I think Dr. Jeff is secretly jealous of Drew! He's seen that hot nurse "LiZa with-a-Z" down at the hospital, too...woot,woot!!

Anonymous said...

Who's that blortus on the couch with Mary today (Tues)? It appears to be either Wilbur with a toupee and contacts or Jeff - in which case, he should see a doctor about that sudden water-weight gain.

Dave in Parma said...

Dr. Jeff looks a little bitter today (4/19) that Mary has hidden is Kindle.

duckduckgoose said...

speaking of "drawing the ladies in"... is Mary sitting on Jeff's lap in today's first panel?

Chester the Dog said...

I Me thinks that Jeff needs a little alone time with Drews magazine.