"Mary Worth, Mary Worth! I met the most remarkable man in the park today. He had nothing in the world but a shopping cart overflowing with ketchup and fine hair care products. And yet, he expressed his unconditional love for me. I've finally proven to the world that I'm loveable! And just seeing what a good man he is, I'm not concerned about Dan Smithers either! I'm sure he will turn out to be just as noble as my special hobo."
Today's Full Strip
Hey, Nola - make room for me on the park bench. After the excitement of last week's encounter with D-Dan, this conversation with Brownie is putting me to sleep.
Is that Nola's "come hither" pose in the second panel? Is she going to fluff her hair and flash her feminine wiles just to prove that her mojo still works?
When Brownie Hobo first appeared, someone on the blog remarked that he resembled Fidel Castro. Bingo! http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2012/03/29/what-does-a-pope-do-fidel-castro-asks-pope-benedict/
"Wait, Mr. Bo. Or may I call you Ho? Don't you want me?"
How did those empty cans morph into bottles?? This reminds me of that old Twilight Zone, where the hobo has a bag of trash and it turns into a bag of Christmas gifts.
@Elaine, is that the Twilight Zone episode with Art Carney? It's a classic.
Hmm, could this be Karen Moy's homage to Rod Serling? Something tells me no way!!
I think a fair portion of Mary Worth is an homage to Rod Serling. Last week it was the moving mannequins. We can only hope that D-Dan will give Nola a Talking Tina doll as a peace offering.
@ KitKat - Fidel Hobo, for sure!
@KitKat - yeah, that's the one!! Oh how I miss those old episodes...
And no, I'm not convinced that Moy has put it all together, I think we know better.
Actually, reading Moy is a trip to the Twilight Zone.
Wow. Shortest subplot ever.
@Elaine, maybe Moy and Giella could do a variation on another TZ classic, "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet," wherein William Shatner is terrorized by Mary Worth on the plane's wing.
I think Nola is about to scratch a flea that has hopped onto her face. (Hobo hoards cats and scrounges bottles to have money for catfood.) He has a good heart, but he's a little...well, itchy.
@KitKat - hahahahahaha! Maybe Mary Worth could just terrorize Moy from the wing of a plane, and do us all a favor!
Thorpnotized- Several days ago, you questioned why we assumed that Hobo and Ian were related. The reasons are as follows:
1. We are silly.
2. Scots dialect.
3. Many a man has a beard, but so few have a white chin curtain style beard.
It occurs to me that what this strip needs is a man with a blue chin curtain.
I think Giella is responsible for the Twilight Zone influences. After all, he is the one doing the artwork. Kind of makes me wonder how much influence Moy has on what he comes up with, and if she bothers to check the strips before they go to print.
OMG, I would LOVE to see MW clinging to the wing of a plane, terrorizing Captain Kirk!
--Beagle Vet
Ooh, ooh! GUESS WHO THE BOYFRIEND IS!?!?!?!??!?!?
--Beagle Vet
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