Thursday, March 28, 2019

Mary Worth 3094

"Ten thousand dollars? You don't have ten thousand dollars? I'm sorry Arthur Z., but you aren't the man I thought you were. Maybe you should try Aluminum-Daters instead of Silver-Daters."


Anonymous said...

So I guess the only mystery left is how Estelle manages to keep the bathroom floor dry when she showers. The bottom of her shower curtain appears to be at the same level as the toilet seat.

Jyqm said...

Now we find out just how dumb Estelle really is. “You’ve worked for decades as an international business consultant, and you plan to retire in three months to a high-tax state, but you don’t have ten thousand dollars available? Sounds totally reasonable - I’ll wire you twenty just to be safe!”

Anonymous said...

"What am I going to do? Well, my love, I'm glad you asked."

Pretty clumsy move by Artie. He played this con pretty well up to now, but when time time came to set the hook, he choked. His premise that $10,000 will get him home on time in a few weeks, but the lack thereof will set him back a year doesn't make sense.

Estelle, wake up and smell the fish. It isn't coming from Toby's kitchen.

-- Scottie McW.

Chester the Dog said...

Why is Estelle in the bathroom? A real lady never takes calls in the bathroom.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

Just one more thing, my dear Estelle. Please send the $10,000 in Apple gift cards.

LouiseF said...

I would like to have some faith in Estelle, and I would feel a lot better about her if instead of boldface on WHAT, she emphasized YOU, as in "What are YOU (Arthu/er) going to do?" Subtle, maybe, but it might restore my faith that she isn't as much of a pushover as she seems. Grasping at straws here, I realize. Hilarious, Wanders, downgrading Arthur to Aluminum Daters. Goes with his penchant for PBR in cans...

Bill the Butcher said...

“What am I going to do? Well, if I don’t get these ten thousand dollars, I’m going to have no option but to make up a fake profile online and woo rich stupid women in order to scam them out of their savings. But it would be all in a good cause! Right, Estelle?”

Tim said...

Odd. I would think the huge multinational corporation that sent Arthur to Malaysia would pay to repair their equipment.

KitKat said...

Only $10,000? Arthur/Arther reminds me of Dr. Evil in “Austin Powers,” with a ransom demand of a measly one million bucks. Wanders, “Aluminum Daters” is both apropos and hilarious.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Just read everyone's logical responses that Estelle should say to Arthur/Arther. But remember KM is writing this drivel and she defies logic.

If I was Estelle, I'd get my money back from Aluminum Daters, because their vetting process is questionable at best, based on the losers Estelle has encountered.

However, I can't wait to see Estelle going to WalMart to buy $10,000 worth of WalMart gift cards. Think of all the beer and cigarettes Arther/Arthur could buy there.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Mahi If He Carps Enough, She'll Give Him The Jack Just For The Halibut".

Return few weeks,
Prolong another year!
Oh no!
Ten thousand dollars repair!
What do?

Steve G said...

Scenarios I'd love to see:

Estelle: "Great! You should be able to put that on your American Express Card"


Estelle: "I can bring you $10,000. I've always wanted to see Malaysia! How's the falafel?"


Estelle: "I don't have $10,000 available right now... but my friend Mary Worth does!"

TimP said...

Ten grand is rather hilariously trivial in the context of international business. The only justification I can think of is that "Arthur Z" is trying to avoid triggering any IRS reporting requirements. And... come to think of that, it occurs to me that this is the most well thought out aspect of this entire plot up to and including the one eyed cat.

Anonymous said...

Next Week's Scam:

"Hello? This is Arthu/e.. Uh.. Deputy Dawg from the Santa Royale Sheriff's Department. You missed jury duty and need to pay a hefty fine. Yes, I can take a credit card..."

A Real scam in Maine!!

fauxprof said...

Doesn’t it have to be under $10,000 to avoid triggering IRS alerts? But even Estelle might see something odd about a request for $9,999.99.

LouiseF said...

Nance, your BFH is fin-tastic! If Arthu/er gets caught and convicted, maybe the judge will make him walk the plankton. (I can't take credit/blame for any of these. There's a web site that's all fish puns. I can tell Nance doesn't need a web site to come up with some great ones.

Equinox18 said...

Oh Arther, you should try this wonderful new money raiser, "Mo Fund Me."

Garnet said...

Arther Z is a terrible grifter. His story doesn't make sense. Why would 10 K in damage delay an entire project for a year? 10 K is petty cash for a large construction project. Surely Estelle won't fall for this...?

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for Libby the Cat to save the day. I don't know this could happen, but it's what I want anyway.

Unknown said...

I get the PBR (in a can, no less), the cigarette. the icky napkins/tissues, the stale fries, the cap to cover up the bald "spot", etc., etc...but what is in the container that has "OL" on it (or, today, "OL [backward]"?

Bill the Butcher said...

Wow, Arther Zed moved everything in his "lived in" den to the precise mirror image position just to be more convincing to Estelle! If that doesn't spell Work Ethic, I don't know what does!

"You know, Estelle, at your age...I mean our age...a year is a long time! You might...I mean we might...drop dead at any moment! So how about those ten thousand dollars, doddering....I mean darling... Estelle?"

Anonymous said...

Friday's panel 2 is the same as the last panel from Sunday, only reversed and zoomed some. Same crummy bag o' fries and all. Only trouble is when you reverse an image with lettering in it you get a reversed "OL". I couldn't figure Sunday's "OL" either. Maybe SKOL ?


Chester the Dog said...

here are 19 four-letter words ending with OL. I am going with "FOOL" which is what Estelle is.

AWOL - awol adj. Alternative form of AWOL.
awol n. Alternative form of AWOL.
AWOL adj. (military and generic) Absent without leave (permission).
BOOL - bool n. (programming) A Boolean variable, one whose value is either true or false.
COOL - cool adj. Having a slightly low temperature; mildly or pleasantly cold.
cool adj. Allowing or suggesting heat relief.
cool adj. Of a person, not showing emotion, calm and in self-control.
DHOL - dhol n. (music) A type of drum from Punjab.
DIOL - diol n. (organic chemistry) any organic compound having two hydroxy functional groups.
DOOL - Sorry, definition not available.
ENOL - enol n. (organic chemistry) An organic compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom, which is.
FOOL - fool n. (pejorative) A person with poor judgment or little intelligence.
fool n. (historical) A jester; a person whose role was to entertain a sovereign and the court (or lower personages).
fool n. (informal) Someone who derives pleasure from something specified.
GAOL - gaol n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia) Alternative spelling of jail.
gaol v. (Britain) Alternative spelling of jail.
GOOL - Sorry, definition not available.
IDOL - idol n. A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power.
idol n. A cultural icon, or especially popular person.
idol n. (Japan) Young manufactured performers (especially female) who aim to become popular via the formation.
MOOL - Sorry, definition not available.
OBOL - obol n. (historical) A silver coin of Ancient Greece.
POOL - pool n. A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring.
pool n. A small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle.
pool n. A swimming pool.
SKOL - skol interj. (originally and chiefly in Scotland) A drinking-toast; cheers.
skol v. (Australia, slang, transitive) To down (a drink).
SOOL - sool v. (Australia) To encourage to attack, especially a dog.
TOOL - tool n. A mechanical device intended to make a task easier.
tool n. Equipment used in a profession, e.g., tools of the trade.
tool n. Something to perform an operation; an instrument; a means.
VIOL - viol n. (music) A stringed instruments related to the violin family, but held in the lap between the legs like.
viol v. To play the viol.
WOOL - wool n. The hair of the sheep, llama and some other ruminants.
wool n. A cloth or yarn made from the wool of sheep.
wool n. Anything with a texture like that of wool.

KitKat said...

@Chester the Dog, you've gone far above and beyond normal service to the Worthiverse!

Estelle's mistake (well, ONE of them) was describing her financial situation as "very comfortable." If she had said merely "comfotable," Green Grimy Gremlin Arthur/er would have asked for $7,500.00.

I see a Mary intervention soon. She'll run into Estelle and ask her about Mr. Easy on the Eyes/Cialis ad model. Estelle will spill the kelk about the moola request and Mary will furrow her brow.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many scams this guy has going at once? Does he ever get the women mixed up? Perhaps to Cecelia he's Arthur, but to Estelle he's Arther.

He clearly isn't doing well if he's living like that scamming lonely widowers, unless he immediately blows his loot on the ponies. Moy should have emulated the "Merry Widow Murderer" in Hitchcock's "Shadow of a Doubt."

Yahoonski said...

Given the condition of Artie's surroundings, I guess it isn't LYSOL, and there's not enough room for GERITOL.

mr_darcy said...

The only way Estelle is not an idiot is if she's working undercover with Teflon Girl. Estelle improvises off T.G.'s script, "I don't know how to send money internationally, but I have 10k in cash if someone from your company can pick it up. "
Teflon Girl glimpses Arthur as he rounds a corner. T.G. mistakes Wilbur Weston for Arthur. Hilarity ensues.
Or not.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Estelle's mistake: telling Pigpen she has 10 large on hand. Estelle's other mistake: being a bubblehead and falling for this scam, since scams like this are always talked about in the news.

I too am wondering if this is Arthur/Arther's first time doing this, based on his disgusting surroundings. I also wonder what he sounds like. He looks like a low-rent Danny DeVito, but maybe he sounds like Cary Grant. Maybe that's why Estelle is spellbound.

This plot has more holes in it than swiss cheese. Estelle went out with all the Mystery Date duds and saw what messes they were. Wouldn't she be the least bit curious to talk to Mr. "Easy on the eyes" on facetime? lso, whyy would $10,000 hold up Arthur/Arther in Malaysia? As someone previously said, wouldn't insurance cover all of this? Estelle needs to run into Mary STAT before she gets $10,000 of WalMart gift cards.

That being said, I need to clean my screen because Arthur/Arther has greased it up again.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

One more thing: If Estelle does this, she's getting off cheap. Wilbur blew 30 Large on Fabiana and her emerald and Adrian Corey blew 50 Large on Ted "But he called me Queenie" Confey.

TimP said...

Estelle observing that a year is a long time is the most perceptive thing she has ever been shown to say in this strip.

Anonymous said...

If Bluto had only phrased his request in the form of poetry, he'd have the money by now.

meg said...

Hadacol? Haldol?

meg said...


Bill the Butcher said...

Softly, slowly, a doubt began to creep into Estelle's mind. Had she been taken advantage of by a parasite, which had been insidiously oozing its way into her affections only so that she could expend her energy and money in keeping it in comfort? Suddenly, the doubt became a certainty. She had been taken advantage of! She would put up with it no longer!

Jumping to her arthritic feet, she pointed a rigid finger - strengthened by years of holding mobile phones in the patented and compulsory Charterstone grip - at her victimiser.

"Get out, Libby!" she screamed. "Get out! Get out!"

Sophronia Sphynx said...

The Incredible Hulk has really let himself go to seed.

Garnet said...

Wow, she is dumber than a box of rocks. Why wouldn't the company or insurance pay for the damages? Typically, this sort of thing is accounted for in big projects - something's going to break or need repairs. Why would only 10K of damage delay a big project for a year? A lot of the heavy equipment used in big construction projects costs that much (or more) to set up, run, and rent for a few weeks. Why on Earth would his money be tied up in bureaucracy?

KitKat said...

Arthur/er is going off the rails with his sweet talking. His previous "Estelle my darling" sounded suave, like Cary Grant. Today's "Estelle, sweetheart" sounds tough-guy gangster-ish, like Jimmy Cagney. Artie, you're jumping the shark.

Carlye said...

My brother informs me that low rent neighborhood types have been known to imbibe Lysol. I'm not sure I believe it, but there's a theory.