Monday, December 21, 2020

Mary Worth 3527

For anyone who worried that you might not get to spend Christmas with Brandy and Tommy, you were wrong.


Anonymous said...

GAAAAAHHHHHH! This tripe has already gone on two weeks too long, and now we're in for superfluous week 3. We do not deserve this.

That's a pretty catty thing to say, Brandybabe. I suppose you don't have a tree at all. Maybe Tommybabe can build one for you out of your empty Diet Coke cans.

That's the skinniest tree trunk I've ever seen.

-- Scottie McW.

fauxprof said...

Reading this strip is like being behind a confused driver on a traffic roundabout. They just go around and around and can’t find the exit. We may be here until Christmas. Maybe New Year.

Anonymous said...

Brandy: Tommy, if you mention our breakup one more time, you're not gonna need that tree stand.

Tommy: Whadda ya mean, Babe? With no stand, where would I stick this tree?


doug said...

Since this dreck is just going to repeat like a CD with a bad scratch we should get an early start on the Worthy awards.

Steve said...

Abandon all hope ye who read Mary Worth; Moy has obviously decided to phone it in until at least January. Can't she turn this horrible storyline into a "Brandy loves Tommy" spinoff with Vin as a lovable loser friend in a supporting role, and Freida as a guest star?

tkraft said...

Good one Steve!! A spinoff is the best idea yet. Like when you were a kid riding the merry-go-round too fast and you were flung off far away. The show would be like "Joanie Loves Chachi" See (Not responsible for adverse medical or psychological reaction upon viewing this video) Now we're just going to have to wait for Tommy to learn some piano chords.

Jerry Smith said...

JUST ANNOUNCED: The Syndicate cancels Mary Worth! Replaces with "The Babes," a story featuring our favorite backup characters Tommy and Brandy every day UNTIL THE END OF TIME! See 7Up trees form! Gasp as Brandy confiscates an expired credit card at the checkout. Marvel as Tommy fights off temptation to bust a dime bag! Can marriage be far off for these ragtag heroes? What? Brandy says "No!" Again!

KitKat said...

Tommy, the reason you got a great discount is because that’s a patio umbrella, not a tree.

@fauxprof, did you mean Christmas 2021? I figure KM said, “Why bother with a different plot so late in the year? I’ll just stick with Dumb and Dumber and rehash the dialogue over and over and over...”

Chester the Dog said...

Yea, a five fingered discount!

Jana C.H. said...

There are traditions in which it is usual to put up the tree on Christmas Eve. Christmas itself is, after all, the beginning of the musically-celebrated Twelve Days of Christmas, not the effective end of the season as it is now. Perhaps Tommy is just being old-fashioned.

Carlye said...

Jana, no, he's just being cheap. He got it marked down, because it was cut in October, and now all of the needles are falling off.