Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mary Worth 3529

I love their enthusiasm for Tommy taking on 12-hour days. They're almost as enthusaistic as the principal of Local Middle School is about hiring a well-known druggy and ex-con to be their school monitor.


fauxprof said...

The only background check needed was a call to Mary Worth.

Yahoonski said...

I used to teach school and I'm not even sure what a school monitor is, but it has to be higher up the pecking order than "part-time school monitor," which sounds like he'll only be working 2nd period, Tuesdays and Thursdays. And note that it wasn't the school itself that asked him to take on this role; it was "the place where I give anti-drug talks."

No pressure, Nance, but I can't wait to see what you do with today's raw materials.

KitKat said...

Wanders, maybe bring a well-known druggy and ex-con rocketed Tommy to the top of the hiring list. What are the responsibilities of a part-time drug monitor? Searching students’ backpacks and lockers? Checking the teachers’ lounge for smoking?

Are the babes ever going to trim that tree?

KitKat said...

Argh, make that “being” in my first sentence, not “bring.”

Anonymous said...

Ho ho, Tommybabe will be rolling in dough now!

@KitKat, I was wondering the same thing. Guess he doesn't have any actual decorations. Maybe he'll tie some Coke cans and cereal boxes to it.

-- Scottie McW.

meg said...

Don’t we all know where this is going? Tommy will be a hero in some desperate situation and thereafter be feted by the Santa Royale community. After which, Mary, to whom he owes it all, will make a “You’re Welcome” tour through town riding in the back of a Stutz Bearcat convertible, or on the back of a donkey (depending on availability).

meg said...

Stickers for your bumper on sale at Freda’s: I LOVE MY PART TIME SCHOOL MONITOR.

Jerry Smith said...

I'm sorry I can't meet you for breakfast. I'm monitoring school tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Yup. Still there.

Chester the Dog said...

That tree is not gonna decorate itself, kids.

Anonymous said...

hey babe the money i save wearing same clothes and haircuts for sure there will be money for decorations next year.

Anonymous said...

Tommy: Yeah, right... a school monitor. Cool. Though I still can't figure out, like, why they'd need me to watch the school. I mean, Babe, it ain't like a school's got feet or wings, right? So why wouldn't they, like, ask me to check out.. I mean... monitor the good-lookin' chicks, right?


Anonymous said...

Yahoonski... how can you teach "school'.... wouldn't you have taught english, or math or history?

Yahoonski said...

@Anonymous: You're right, of course; the school itself remained completely uneducated at the end of my tenure. But I think most folks recognize "teach school" as idiomatic shorthand for instructing students in a variety of subjects at an educational institution.

lmjb1964 said...

HOW ARE WE STILL ON THE BABES??? OMG. Work's busy, so I'll be away for a week, and come back, and these two are still blathering on about nothing. Blah.

Also, Brandy, I'm just putting up my tree today. Get off my back, OK?

Great comments as always, everyone!

LouiseF said...

Fortune magazine reports that the average cost of a live tree in the COVID-bound US in 2020 is $81. Unless this is artificial, it's no wonder Tommy and Brandy don't have ornaments on it.

Steve said...

I think he meant to say : "Hall Monitor" I went to a Catholic boys HS in the sixties. There would always be a Brother acting as a Hall Monitor. He would administer corporal punishment to anyone engaging in horseplay.

I don't think they allow corporal punishment in Santa Royale. Heck, they don't allow Covid 19

Merry Christmas to all, especially Mr and Mrs Wanders