Monday, March 7, 2022

Mary Worth 3847

Skip this medium? Wait, wasn't this medium assigned by the teacher? Now she seems to be saying, "Use whatever you want." What does she think this is, "ART?"


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Ms. Disapproval to bust through the door at any second.

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

While you change things, Cal, consider changing that green tee and plaid shirt for something clean. After all the Frisbee playing the previous day, they should be in the laundry, not the classroom.

Dean Constance Killjoy would flip her lid if she saw Cal making goo-goo eyes at Ms. C. I wonder if the classrooms have surveillance cameras.

Sandi Ego said...

I can't wait to see this unfold. My daughter is an art teacher, thankfully with students too young to act like Cal.
Not going to comment on the size of Cal's pencil lead.

LouiseF said...

Toby is such a fox when she talks about pencil leads..

Lee Gibson said...

Did anyone notice that Ms. C is talking to Cal about his "pencil size" or do I just have a dirty mind?

hmmm said...

KitKat - I think June knows as little about Gen Z behavior as she’s proven to know about cats, dogs, men, women, muffins, cruise ships, and yeah, pretty much anything and everything else. So for an example of what a young guy would be wearing, she looked no further than the Zits strip.

MissScarlet said...

I do think that June did a great job capturing Cal's mooning expression today. I'm not at all surprised that Toby hasn't noticed that Cal's attention is inappropriate. I was wondering when she would wise up but now I'm pretty sure that Dean Killjoy will be the one to clue her in. Still enjoying this way more than Wilburp.

Anonymous said...

I'm really hoping this will get ugly. I want there to be some kind of altercation between Toby and Cal. I want him to run to the Dean with some fabricated story about Toby assaulting him. I want to see Toby get fired. And I really want to see her ten years from now, still making little clay heads of boys with curly hair and then smashing them with a mallet.


Downpuppy said...

Zits, hmmm?
Mais non!
Cal is Mark Trail in kahkhi flannel instead of red.

hmmm said...

Downpuppy. Sorry, but Cal is no Mark Trail. Rusty, maybe, wearing one of his dad’s flannel shirts.

Downpuppy said...

Cal is Peter Parker, with no Spider (or common) sense

hmmm said...

Peter Parker could actually play Frisbee all by himself. Throw it out; silk it back; throw it out; silk it back….

KitKat said...

It’s double entendres day! Cal and Toby are on the fringe of family unfriendly.

LouiseF said...

Hmmm. Toby congratulates Cal on using different "mediums", which looked like incorrect grammar, but I found that, in fact, there ARE four mediums in art. They are: Pencil, ink, and chalk for drawing. Oil, tempera, and watercolor for painting. Bronze, marble, and wood for sculpting. Digital and film photography.
Given these four "mediums", it would appear that Toby is incorrect in congratulating Cal for using different mediums. His drawing is in some form of pencil, so not a different "medium", despite Toby's attempt to sound erudite about art. Also, I notice that the mediums for sculpture do not include children's modeling clay or whatever it is Toby uses to make her "figurines". Sculpy, maybe?

Jana C.H. said...

LouiseF: "Mediums" is correct when referring to more than one person pretending to communicate with the dead. "Media" is used when speaking of more than one means of communicating one's artistic vision or other information such as the news. Has Cal been taking Toby on a lot of different seance dates?

hmmm said...

Tomorrow’s action packed development: Toby suggests that Cal try using pastels! Oh, I can hardly contain my excitement. Probably won’t sleep a wink!

MissScarlet said...

Ooooh, Cal is 'open' to a lot of things. Guess we are not talking about art now. Toby still appears to have no clue. Meanwhile, are there other students in this class or is this a private session. Uh oh....where's Dean Killjoy?