Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Mary Worth 3848

I hope they do go to lunch and end up at the same restaurant that the "Ladies Who Hate Wilbur" have their lunches.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

"I appreciate the offer, but no need - you're quite a snack already pencil boy!" Toby drawls, as Dean Killjoy stands hunched by the doorway after her hourlong vigil. Or maybe Toby will suggest he join her for yoga at our home, like Harlan did.

Thanks for helping us snark, Wanders. You're very kind... and INCREDIBLE.

KitKat said...

I wonder how much of this conversation Dean Killjoy (who’s looking more haggard today) heard. Imagine her report: “Student Cal thanked Ms. Cameron for doing it (!) so well and offered to pay for her lunch in return!”

This is way, way, way better than anything with Wilbur or “dogs are good!”

Piderman said...

Wouldn't it be a great twist if Dean Killjoy turns out to be Cal's mom?

meg said...

What if she’s Ian’s ex-wife, still bitter and set on revenge after all these years?

Vince said...

The bit player's disapproval will be for naught if she doesn't at least clear her throat or something.

Vince also said...

I hate to say it within eyeshot of Dr. C., but I hope you are right, meg.

LouiseF said...

Santa Royale has a number of brownnoser students. Perhaps they start their training at the community college level. Cal is still at the sophomore level and seems more obvious than Jannie, who went after Ian at the university (or Santa Royale Tech and Culinary Academy, or Clown College, or wherever Ian teaches).
Dawn chatted up Harlan. I figure Hugo spent a semester in Santa Royale so as to pick up the best international brownnosing tips. Wasn't he painting one of his professor's houses when he met Dawn? If they'd stop sucking up and start studying, maybe they'd graduate and actually make something of themselves.

Tim said...

I'm guessing that Toby will lose her job because of Ms Disapproval's disapproval.

Anonymous said...

"Can I buy you lunch tomorrow? They're serving alphabet soup, and I can arrange the letters in my bowl to make even more suggestive remarks to you. Also, they're having Spaghetti-O's, my favorite! My mom makes it for me all the time!"

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

This story began with a great deal of promise. I anticipated risque behavior I had not witnessed since Mary dove into the pool in her nightgown. Alas, the story has fizzled, and I wish the stalker woman would just go ahead and do whatever she is going to do.

MissScarlet said...

It's true, Dean Killjoy is this comic's "Chekhov's gun". Now that she's been in the strip (three times, already, I think) she will have to be used. It's fun to think that she Ian's ex-wife; but I can't imagine Moy being that clever.

katyb said...

Why on earth would you respond to an offer of buying lunch with "No need?"

Wouldn't that be a response to something like "I can get the tip." "No need, I got it."
"I can give you a lift." "No need, my car is parked just down the street."
"Let me help you with that suitcase." "No need, it's not heavy, I got it. But thanks."

If Cal says "Let me buy you a drink, will Toby reply "Need!"?

hmmm said...

Maybe this stalker is Annie Wilkes from Toby’s Thursday evening Adult Education class. Annie is wicked torqued because someone has worn down the eraser on her favorite mechanical pencil. She decided to find out who the culprit is by spying on Toby’s daytime class. Cal will be waking up tomorrow with pastel blue eye shadow and a charcoal mustache.

Eric Houston said...

When I was in college, we were actively encouraged to have lunch with our professors. I did this often and ate quite well, sometimes at the university’s ritzier restaurants. But I did this because I was a nerd and a goody two shoes, not cause I was trying to bang the art teacher.