Saturday, March 26, 2022

Mary Worth 3857

Somewhere in Santa Royale, Mary's meddle-sense is tingling.


KitKat said...

“Oh, don’t worry about me! It’s YOU who’s blue….” Cal sounds like he’s ready to burst into song., a la “The sun’ll come out, toomorrrowww!” I can see it now - “SRCc, the Musical!”

Toby is awfully bleak after one moderately rough day. I think you’re correct about Mary’s meddler muffin sense, Wanders. She’s firing up her oven right now.

meg said...

Mary gavels the MOBC (Meddling Old Biddies Committee) emergency meeting to order.

‘Let the minutes reflect that Vice Crone Handbasket has called for this meeting to discuss a matter in her workplace that is totally none of her business and totally titillating. All who want to discuss this juicy tidbit and potential opportunity for fulfilling our mission statement of high dudgeon busybodyness, please say Aye Can’t Wait. The Ayes have it, so I am handing the gold-plated gavel to Helena. Now, Helena, do tell, and don’t spare any of the deliciously lascivious details.”

‘Well, Crone Worth, may I call you Mary? It seems that one of the most junior instructors at SRCc is conducting full-blown in public conversations with a snot-nosed plaid-shirted adolescent art student!’

The Biddies: ‘We’ve Got Trouble, Trouble, Trouble, right here in Santa Royale, with a capital T, and that rhymes with lower case c, and that stands for college’

Meanwhile, the doorbell rings: Buzzetty Buzz.

Mary: ‘Down, crones, it’s my house, I’LL ANSWER IT! Why, Toby, come right in. We’re discussing a major problem at the college- maybe you can give us some first-hand insight.’

To be continued, unless ennui sets in…

Steve said...

Kit Kat. You are correct about Toby. This may be her first job, and she doesn't yet know that jobs have some problems/conflicts. Jobs are harder than making clay horses, gossiping with Mary and drinking vodka

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

As Helen brings her quadcopter drone's high-powered directional reconnaisance microphone to bear, she will be particularly interested to hear Toby's concern about whether Cal is becoming hardened. (You make it too easy, Karen).

Although Helen is pretty insanely nosy, Toby and Cal certainly can't have much expectation of privacy choosing to loll on the grass directly in front of SRCc's enormous 5-story plate glass window facade. That last fundraising campaign really went a long way!

Sandi Ego said...

Meg, thanks for the Music Man reference, that was one of the first musicals my mom took me to see when I was a kid.
And, who knew? If you're depressed, just think happy thoughts! That is a game-changer.

MissScarlet said...

I'm thinking 'South Pacific': Happy, happy thoughts song.

Oh, it's stuck.

Anonymous said...

Ha haaa, just wait until the IRS shows up at thirty-five-year-old Cal's door because he's never bothered to file a tax return.

(Of course, that assumes he'll actually have a real job some day, which might be a bad assumption.)

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

Hey, @Miss Scarlet:

“Happy talk, keep talkin’ happy talk,
Talk about things you’d like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don’t have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?” etc.

Lord Flatulence said...

Grey skies are gonna clear up! Put on a happy face!