Thursday, June 30, 2022

Mary Worth 3950

I was really hoping Jess and I could double date with you and whoever you fall in love with next!


KitKat said...

“Please don’t hate me! How about just some moderate dislike? We can still be friends - sort of!! We still have Star Wars in common!”

Jared is not skilled at negotiating, or maintaining romantic relationships.

Anonymous said...

Jared hasn't quite got the hang of this breaking-up thing.

Is "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" too cliché for the Charterstone juke?

-- Scottie McW.

Thunderheels said...

Dawn might be listening to Weird Al's "One More Minute" about now.

ratswan said...

when is ted confey getting out of jail ? queenie is lonely

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

"But Dawnie! Don't you remember when we first were friends, I selflessly saved you from a bad situation of dating a healthcare professional who abused his position to date women who were dependent on him, while at the same time he was already in a relationship with someone else? Now I'm rescuing you yet again from the exact same situation by breaking up with you! That's something a true friend would do!"

LouiseF said...

OK, Jess, woman, get yourself into a DV support group, and change your phone number so Jared will be left talking things over with Princess Leia and Mr. Solo.

Jerry Smith said...

Jared: "Dawn, at least you still have your virginity! Right? Dawny ... ?"