Saturday, October 29, 2022

Mary Worth 4072

Prayers offered yesterday, lead to miracles today. Or maybe tomorrow.


fauxprof said...

So, will she pull him up tomorrow, or are we in for another week of this? Just asking.

KitKat said...

While pulling Zak over the edge, Iris reaches for her phone to surprise Zak with that selfie. Oops uhff!!

meg said...

Assuming that Iris does indeed save Zak, will it be necessary for Mary to take a victory lap? Discuss among yourselves.

Gina said...

@meg: Trick question, right? It is ALWAYS necessary for Mary to take a victory lap.

Yahoonski said...

"Risks her life"? Oh pshaw. Anyway, it appears Zak's right arm is functional after all. I still think Karen and June should have gone to their local version of Piccadee Falls and acted out this scenario a few times until they got it right, because the physics have been off all along.

hmmm said...

Okay, class. Lesson for today: Jump out of a tree, do a back flip, and grasp onto a small branch (or vine; whatever). Suspend yourself there for an hour or so using just your four fingers. No thumbs allowed! Good luck everyone!

KitKat said...

@Yahoonski, the laws of physics don’t apply in the Worthiverse. Remember the old saying “God watches over drunks and fools”? The former applies to Wilbur’s plunge from the cruise ship and the latter to Iris and Zak”s present escapade. If they don’t happen to survive, we’ll delete “fools” from that saying.

meg said...

Not having lived in California for many years, may I ask what falls there are as gigantic as Piccadee Falls seem to be? Asking for a hydrologist…

Garnet said...

She could use her vest or pants as a rope and that way he could climb up. If she leaned backwards, she could brace herself against his weight and maybe she wouldn't be dragged down with him.

Maybe they'll both fall, and their ghosts will haunt the falls forevermore. Their presence will cause unexplained waves of nausea and annoyance in visitors.