Sunday, October 30, 2022

Mary Worth 4073

God? God who?


meg said...

Later that same day:

After having painstakingly, and at great risk to her own safety, hauled foolish Zak away from certain death, Iris drives back to Zak’s condo. “Thanks for the lift, dear- do you mind taking an Uber back to your place? I’m bushed, and I’m just gonna send out for pizza, then I’ll take a nap. What an ordeal! See ‘ya!”

Iris heads straight for Mary’s house. “May I come in, Mary- I need some advice.”
“Well of course you do, but who are you?”

“It’s me, Iris Beedie. You gave me some advice on February 2, 2020.”
“If you say so- come in.”

“I just rescued Zak, my handsome billionaire much younger boyfriend, from certain death at Piccadee Falls, and he didn’t even thank me. What should I do- he wants to marry me, but I’m picky and proud.”

“You say he’s a young, handsome, and careless billionaire? Get a good pre-nup.”
“Thanks, Mary, you always give such good advice.”
“Why, yes-yes, I do. Come back to see me after the divorce.”

Anonymous said...

The only believable panel today is Panel 4. Zak's dialog is missing but Iris shouts out "Zak" after he tells her to pull his thumb.


KitKat said...

It’s too much to hope for, but I wish Iris and Zak would fall over the edge while hugging. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Oh, June, you silly romantic. I just noticed the teeny little heart in the final panel. How sweet.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Well, well. Looks like Iris drew strength from a James Thurber quotation. This is almost as infuriating as Wilbur’s island getaway, but I’m consoling myself with the great onomatopoeia. AAAHH-GGHHH! SNIFF! SOB!

Careful, you lovebirds. Pickadee Rock may collapse under the weight of all that melodrama and hamburger gravy.

Frank Booth said...

Word of advise Iris: No Prenup! You've earned it.

Anonymous said...

The forests of Maine don't contain as much sap as today's bottom row of panels does.

And the Thurber quote is idiotic.

Other than that . . .

-- Scottie McW.

MissScarlet said...

Iris is such a dish rag she can't even take credit for her own strength. Apparently, if Zak hadn't believed she could do it, she wouldn't have been able to. No wonder she still in college. Probably no one believes she can graduate.

Garnet said...

I guess we can't add Zak to this list: