Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Mary Worth 4075

This reminds me of shows like Emergency, Charlie's Angels, and The Six Million Dollar Man, that I watched as a kid, when a character would learn a lesson at the end of each episode, and somoene would make a joke, everyone would laugh ("Ha Ha"), and then the picture would freeze. I guess Zak's cliff-edging days are over. Ha ha! FREEZE!


KitKat said...

A Karen Moy-June Brigman-Frank Lupo-John Ashley Production!

Zak’s taking his brush with death awfully lightly, ha ha. I hope he understands that Iris is exaggerating by claiming she would save his life a hundred more times. Even five more times is too much for the rest of us, bozo.

mr_darcy said...

Not sure if links work inside the comments, but the short-lived Police Squad! nailed the freeze frame a few years earlier.

KitKat said...

The “Police Squad!” freeze frames are a hoot, mr_darcy!

Frank Booth said...

Looks like they are jitterbugging on the ledge to celebrate?

Darth Curt said...

Standing by the cliff edge wasn't the issue. It was the clowning about on the cliff edge that was.

Also... Police Squad freeze frames made my day.

Yahoonski said...

Could I have another barf bag, please? This one's full.

Anonymous said...

Pulling Zak up over the edge of the ledge with one hand was nothing for Iris. From the looks of their silhouette, she also managed to save his hat!


Anonymous said...

Who is going to fall next? I vote for Jeff Cory!

Jerry Smith said...

"Mary Worth ... in Color!

Tonight's Episode ... Cliffs of Danger--Idiot Stranger!"

Hey, it doesn't make much sense, but what in Mary Worth does?

LouiseF said...

So Zak is "done with that", as in "there was a time for standing on cliff edges, but that time has passed, and he is done with it? Perhaps, in his callow, youthful days he was a cliff jumper and routinely rolled off of outcroppings, but that time has passed, and he is ready to settle down. Get it, Iris? Iris, perhaps, has just realized how strong she is and is, instead, ready to take up cliff jumping after saving Zak's life. Not sure these two will ever get it together. Perhaps Mary can advise on the wisdom of cliff jumping.

Garnet said...

I wonder if Iris would be willing to put up with someone this breathtakingly stupid and immature if he were broke and disfigured? He literally talks about his old babysitter at dinner time and dances on slippery cliff edges.

If would have been interesting if he fell and became disfigured and then lost his fortune due to medical bills. What would Iris do then?

That happened in an episode of Seinfeld. Elaine's attractive but dim-witted boyfriend became disfigured in a rock-climbing accident (due to Kramer's and George's carelessness). Their relationship did not last.

Tim said...

Zak, goes through a time of sober reflection after his narrow escape from death, and gives up his obsession with money and begins to wander the world doing good.
Alternatively he moves to a beach in The Caribbean watching sunsets and consuming massive quantities of ganja.
Alternatively he moves to a Tibetan monastery.