Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mary Worth 4104

Well, whadyaknow! It is Nan! And she's coming for dinner. I really hope nothing happens. And the odds are in my favor.


KitKat said...

Regarding your secret message, bring on the awkwardness, Wanders! Does "she's coming to dinner with us tonight" mean dinner at their place (Uber Eats or DoorDash?) or at one of Zak's favorite spots?

If Nan is extending her stay to attend the wedding, the happy couple better get cracking with plans. Nan might even need to move into Iris's apartment, so it's a good thing all is well there. She can meet Tommy (awkward!) and Mary (let's hope they clash immediately).

KitKat said...

P.S. I love “The Office,” Wanders, so thanks for this clip. No one does weird like Dwight.

Anonymous said...

Theory 1 and 2 about where this may be headed-
The nickname Nan is a red herring meant to sound deliberately matronly and grandma-esque.
Actually, it’s Nancy, and when she arrives we learn she’s actually five to ten years younger than Iris, age gap adjacent drama/hilarity ensues.

Or, Nan is coming to stay and is possessive of zak, nosing in to all the wedding plans, making it the huge do for her precious boy- when Iris wanted something small and simple…

I’m sure the real unfolding story will be much much more boring somehow…

Yahoonski said...

The new curtains seem way too colorful for the worthiverse.

LouiseF said...

I swear when I saw panel 1, I first read it as "my FOREVER babysitter", and it didn't even sound odd....

Chester the Dog said...

That gravy does not cook itself! We need Nan!

Garnet said...

Nan is staying for the wedding? Why wouldn't she go home and then come back, unless the wedding is in a few days?

It would be interesting if "Nan" looks just like Iris.

meg said...

One of my son’s friends actually married his ‘babysitter’. She was hired one summer to drive him and his sister to the beach, sports activities, etc. He was 15 and she was 18. Ten years later, they got married. He never called her Nan.

MissScarlet said...

I'm gonna guess that based on the past few days references, Nan will not approve of the age gap between Iris and Zak. But I doubt much will happen...that would be exciting.

hmmm said...

Because Zak has already told Iris that Nan was his nickname for his babysitter Nancy, we know that she will either be younger than Iris or a really old lady named Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Plot twist: she's bringing Sluggo and Fritzi, too!

meg said...

What? Phil Fumble wasn’t invited? The PFFC is gonna be unhappy.

Unknown said...

If no one has mentioned it yet, the issue will bee that Nan is younger than Iris.