Monday, January 2, 2023

Mary Worth 4137

If you look closely, it appears Mary wore her purple dress. What a shock. Jeff is nowhere to be seen because he doesn't like wearing purple.


fauxprof said...

Wait! What? Dawn wants to marry Tommy? Oh, sorry, I guess that’s Babe…er…Brandy. Apologies. It’s early, and I can just barely tell Iris and Tommy apart.

KitKat said...

Zak and his stubble, I presume, are waiting at the altar, Wanders. Maybe Nan is his best man. This wedding has come together at blitzkrieg speed, so some accommodations were made.

It looks like the lovebirds dispensed with the traditional bride’s side/groom’s side seating arrangement, unless the Camerons and Brandy are friends of Zak. It’s the purple side instead. How did they manage to dye their bodies?

Coordinating Beedie wedding hairstyles!

KitKat said...

Note to @HelenClark, whose eagle eye caught the wrong year in Sunday’s strip: You deserve the Worthy Attention to Detail Award! June got things correct today.

RogerBW said...

KitKat: the church had a sprayer installed. Saves so much fuss sorting out wedding clothing. The green side nearer to us hasn't started up yet.

My concern is that Dawn is apparently happily sitting next to Wilbur. I know, the orthoculture of the strip is that You Always Forgive Family, but I feel that "you let me think you were dead while you were sipping Mai Tais" takes a bit of forgiving.

Anonymous said...

So is Tommy marrying Zach's old nanny? Paging Dr. Freud.

Catt said...

I'm still curious how Wilbur got invited to the wedding. That just seems to be inviting trouble. I hope there is an open bar at the reception.

Anonymous said...

Hey, KitKat - Thanks! I'll have to hurry up and decide which of my two purple outfits to wear to the Awards Ceremony!

How come Brandy is the only purple person without purple hair?

As the minister starts to conduct the wedding ceremony, Iris interrupts him.

Iris: "Um... Sorry, Pastor Purple, but can you wait just a minute? I'd like to introduce my son to my soon-to-be-wedded husband."

Good thing Tommy is wearing a suit and tie. Otherwise, we might have thought that was Nan!


meg said...

Well, who is the purple guest wedged between Dawn’s and Wilbur’s profiles? It appears to be a mini-Zak. I hope all will be revealed.

“If anyone can show just cause why this wedding should not proceed, speak now…” “I’m the babysitter’s baby, and I don’t want my dad marrying that woman!”

“Zak Junior?!! Is that you? Nan, why didn’t you tell me?”

Anonymous said...

meg - Maybe that is Zak. He thought it would be hysterically funny to crawl up behind them and "pants" Tommy.

From the looks of Mary's collar, I think she decided to wear her purple clown outfit.


Garnet said...

Inviting Wilbur is a brave move. I hope Jill Black was invited too, and that there's an open bar.

grozar said...

Purple drank!

meg said...

Unknown @504-
Make mine a double!

Anonymous said...

No sign of Jeff. Maybe he refused to color-coordinate.

It was nice of Tommy to get a haircut for the big event.

And if Zak didn't bother shaving, Iris should turn around and stomp out.

Finally, I beg you humor my defense of language, but the way June put only "ME" in boldface rather than putting both "ME" and "TOMMY" in bold suggests that she thinks Tommy is marrying Iris.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

The combover...