Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mary Worth 4159

I imagine Steven is nine.

Why are they sitting next to each other? Is this because they are at the karaoke place, and they both want a good view of Wilbur?


Catt said...

Dang what happened to the vet. Didn't he used to be somewhat good looking? (by comic standards)

KitKat said...

In the blink of an eye, Ed has gone from handsome, considerate, and kind to a real buzzkill. Estelle might start reconsidering Wilbur’s endearing quirks.

“My NEPHEW Steven - he’s NOT my son! - is working with me now.” Seems like Santa Royale’s veterinary ordinances are loosey-gooosey. Remember, Ed, it’s not easy being green.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Ed, but you might want to consider ordering another entree. I think the donkey from Inisherin ordered that same dish and it didn't end so well for her.


Anonymous said...

The seating arrangements make perfect sense once you know Dr. Ed (not Mister Ed; that’s one of his patients) and Estelle are part of a panel presentation: “Worst Dates: Tales From the Frontlines”

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Oh, Ed. Tonight of all nights, why did you have to order the Pomeranian chitterlings?

Yahoonski said...

Yes, Ed seems to be suddenly embracing his inner hayseed, but Estelle is obviously planning to rock his world this evening right after he finishes his plate of entrails and major arteries. And even the smoke in the candle chimney is giving her plan a thumbs up. Methinks Steven will eventually be paired up with Saul's niece or granddaughter or whatever she was: the one whose gram liked colors.

LouiseF said...

Forget his worries, Estelle? This is the Worthiverse, where medical personnel of any type relish fretting endlessly, especially about working too hard (Dr. Jeff worrying about Drew) or show remarkably bad judgment around boundaries with patients and staff (Jared, Dr. Ned). And let's not forget Dr. Kaput, whose behavior bordered on criminal. Estelle needs to dust off her empathetic nod and sympathetic expression if she wants to stay in this relationship.

ratswan said...

Is that pigs in a blanket they ordered and who sits at a round table for two people.

Downpuppy said...

Have they already driven off the people who were behind them yesterday, or were those just painted on the wall?

Anonymous said...

Just what I'm looking for in the veterinarian who's caring for my beloved pets - young and green. Whats' with the plate of Snauseges ? Is the Pomeranian under Ed's coat ?

Green Luthor said...

His nephew Steven? Uh-oh, is a Dawn story coming up...?

meg said...

Uh-oh? I’m banking on a Dr. Steven/Dr. Drew story. Twenty First Century- welcome to Santa Royale!

hmmm said...

meg - dream on.

Lord Flatulence said...

I think the waiter brought Ed a plate of cigarette butts.