Thursday, January 26, 2023

Mary Worth 4160

"I sense another good team in the making. Let's walk our cats up to Piccadee Falls."


meg said...

Of all the joints in all the world, Downwind Jackson from the Smilin’ Jack comics walks into the joint that STELL and Ed are in, and sits down in the front row with a tallboy beer. And is that Wilbur and Toby he’s sitting next to? (meg, go back to bed.

KitKat said...

Ed’s mixing his mythology naming a Persian cat Odin. Maybe that’s why Estelle changed her seat at the table between panels 1 and 2.

This is turning into “cats and dogs are good!” Saul and Eve might enter at any time.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Odin, eh? I for one would welcome a nice Midsommar-inspired plot twist to liven things up a bit. Ed has suddenly gone gaunt and hollow-eyed befitting his secret role as an Asatru high priest; all that’s left is to lure Estelle back to his ceremonial longhouse. Libby will make a perfect sacrifice for Freya, who Wikipedia tells me is the goddess of fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiĆ°r and is known to ride a magic chariot pulled by cats,

Mrvy said...

As the Comics Curmudgeon noted, Libby and Pierre do not get along with "everyone," presuming everyone includes Wilbur. He really has become the villain in this strip, hasn't he?

LouiseF said...

Inane dialogue makes me focus on the illustrations.. What is up with that necklace Estelle is wearing? Does it end UNDER a cut out slit in the top she's wearing? Definitely an unusual design. And why ARE those characters meg referred to backlit? It looks like everyone is waiting for a stage show to start.

Anonymous said...

So, what you're saying, LouiseF, is that you focus daily on the illustrations. Understandable.

Estelle has a one-eyed cat and Dr. Ed has a cat named Odin. Well, if that isn't a match made in Heaven, there never was one. KM, have you no shame?


ratswan said...

This dinner should last two weeks .Then they will walk on the boardwalk and sit on that bench they all sit on then the action starts .

meg said...


You mention action? You do realize this is the Mary Worth strip? You want action? Go watch Dagwood run over the mailman!