Thursday, February 23, 2023

Mary Worth 4191

"Oh, Stell, he SHOULDN'T have crossed your boundaries of friendship... BUT don't you think you should go out with him just one or two more times, just as friends? Perhaps you just haven't given him enough time to grow on you. Come over for some muffins and I'll persuade you so you aren't uncomfortable with this idea."


grozar said...

Ship Wil-bore back to Antartica. That should be enough distance. He could stalk a favorite penguin there.

Catt said...

I still find it so odd that Wilbur has started stalking Estelle out of the blue despite it being a long time since the whole boat incident .... it's almost like someone (who could it be) tipped Wilbur off that Estelle was dating and happy.....

KitKat said...

It’s not just “taking a break,” it’s a “breakup.” This is rung number 5 on the Worthiverse Relationship Ladder.

Why anyone would want to remain “friends” with Wilbur is beyond me. I realize this is Estelle, but jeez, give us a break.

Frank Booth said...

Why doesn't she have dreams about Dr Veterinarian Guy. Instead it's Wilbur 24/7 - face it Stell, it's fate!

Anonymous said...

"Listen, Mare. You don't mind if I call you Mare, do you Mare? Mare Wor. I like that. Mare Wor. You down with that, Mare Wor?"

-- Scottie

LouiseF said...

Yes, M. Wanders, it's not hard to imagine a Wilbur-boosting comment from Mary, the yenta wannabe of Charterstone. After all, she doesn't know this doctor vet that Estelle is smitten by. If Estelle could get Dr. Vet to move to Charterstone, she might get Mary's blessing.

KitKat said...

@LouiseF, “yenta wannabe” — hahahahahahaha!!!!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

“He tends to overdo things at times…” yeah Mare, when it comes to things like stalking someone and faking your own death you really have to make sure not to under or over do it and instead calĂ­brate to the ideal Goldilocks level.