Monday, June 5, 2023

Mary Worth 4234

"They call it a screwdriver."


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fauxprof said...

Estelle got to the point much more quickly than I expected. I’d love it if Mary’s response was “You seem to have a type, don’t you.”

fauxprof said...

Mary understands Estelle’s feelings. Now she will proceed to tell her why she’s wrong, and any marriage is better than none at all. (Except for Dr. Jeff, of course.)

LouiseF said...

I love how characters in the Worthiverse are so out of touch with their own history (Estelle) that they can't seem to put any thoughts together unless they are talking to Mary. Maybe there's truth serum in those muffins...

Anonymous said...

"I traveled to Bali, Fiji, and the Maldives BY MYSELF! Of course, I had a total blast, but I had to carry my luggage BY MYSELF!" -- Scottie

KitKat said...

@Scottie, not only did Estelle have to carry her luggage herself, she had to pay the single-room rate. Was she an heiress? Did she have a lot of insurance on Jimmy? She always seems to have plenty of dough.

Job stress as a police officer caused Jimmy's heart attact? His two-pack a day cigarette habit, fast-food diet, and sedentary lifestyle may have played a part too, Estelle.

LouiseF said...

Buddah: perfect reference for a comic strip... Thank you, Scottie for the reality check.

MissScarlet said...

Mary just repeated back what Estelle had already said. But now she regrets how she treated Ed. Course, she didn’t behave very well, did she? Throwing the ring and all….endangering small dogs in the office. I’m guessing she will explain herself to Ed and he will join a yoga group.

KitKat said...

Once again, KM takes the man's side and browbeats the woman until she admits she was in the wrong. (Even Pierre gets to comment while Libby is MIA!) I realize that Estelle is an airhead who seems to have zero self insight, but this is the latest episode of Meddling Mother Mary setting a bumbling woman straight. The only woman in this strip who's not routinely clueless is ... Mary [sigh].

MissScarlet said...

Not the first time I’ve seen a cat on a leash (even in real life) but definitely the only time I’ve seen a cat and a dog walking in tandem on leashes. I don’t think that ever happens. Meanwhile, @KitKat is so right, Estelle can’t even remember why she was upset with Ed now. For the umpteenth time, what does Mary put in those muffins?

Anonymous said...

It gets worse, Estelle. Ed is now canoodling with formerly estranged cousin Pam, who has convinced him to take a month-long vacation so they can visit Fiji, Bali, and the Maldives. -- Scottie

Tiny fork said...

@Scottie, yes that follows perfectly!

There has to be some obstacle (probably temporary, alas) preventing Estelle and Ed getting back together: it’s in the soap opera writer’s rulebook. Alternatively, Ed could get an attorney to draw up a contract that formalizes and declares to all the world that he is married to his job. The dogs will “woof,” the cats will “meow.” Honeymoon not required.

KitKat said...

Hmph, I posted a comment early this morning, but it must be lost in the Interwebs. Take two: @MissScarlet, the secret ingredient in Mary's muffins is Milk of Amnesia.

Coming back for a second time today was worth it to see @Scottie's hilarious comment -- huzzah! Just think how Estelle will react when she returns to Animal Hospital, ready to apologize to Ed, and the Ed-Pam news is delivered by Dr. See.

fauxprof said...

So we’re back to Meow and Woof. Estelle looks pretty good in skinny jeans. I’ve never tried to walk a cat on a leash, but my father-in-law’s dog made friends with a cat while on a walk, who came home with them and never left. That’s all I’ve got.

KitKat said...

"Could Jimmy's DEATH have influenced my actions with Ed?" Ya think it might've, Estelle? Maybe a teensy bit? (Let's take a break to bang our heads against the nearest wall or table as we contemplate the depth of Estelle's cluelessness.)

Coming next week, or maybe by Halloween: Estelle bursts into Animal Hospital, sobbing, and exclaims to Ed, "Oh Ed, I want you to continue your workaholic behavior, even if it kills you! Thanks to Mary and her muffins, I understand your behavior!"

Anonymous said...

Estelle, since you rank lower than Mrs. Fitz' pet hamster on the list of things Ed cares about -- in fact, you rank lower than every animal on Earth -- workaholism doesn't seem to be the primary issue here. Ed's inability to form normal human relationships is. And I don't think all the muffins in the world can fix that. -- Scottie

LouiseF said...

Estelle and Ed on the cusp of reuniting now that Estelle has had her head put on straight due to a dose of muffinia. Victory lap for Mary will ensue...

KitKat said...

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most clueless one of all?"

Libby and Pierre should play a trick on Mommy and switch up their usual responses. Pierre: "Meow!" Libby: "Woof!" That would inject some humor into this dreary drama.

Tiny gork said...

Next: Mary bumps into Ed, invites him for muffins, Ed comes to see that it is he, not Estelle, that is completely wrong. Then, Estelle and Ed meet by accident in the park and both grovel for forgiveness and another chance. Mary, hiding behind a tree, witnesses it all while her spine begins to emit a pulsating glow. All this has happened before and will happen again.

Tiny fork said...

Tiny gork must be my evil twin

LouiseF said...

Tiny g/fork has the most entertaining and plotful (not a word) description of what is happening here.... in the Worthiverse.

LouiseF said...

Estelle must surely be due a smack on the head for her reference to the song "Alone Again, Naturally". Back to karaoke with Wilbur if she dredges up that one...

KitKat said... Shakespeare?? Even Pierre is speechless.

Tiny fork, I think I remember Tiny gork from the original Star Trek.

MissScarlet said...

Oh, a dream sequence! Yeah! I hope Moy isn't leading us on. What will it be?
Estelle marrying Ed and adopting 50 pets?
Estelle making up with Ed and never seeing him again because he's always working?
Estelle throwing chairs in the vet waiting room instead of her ring?
Estelle throwing Ed?

Chester the Dog said...

I used to like Estelle, back in the blind date days, not any more, she is as twitty as most of the other characters in MW. Lets dump all this and start a new strip with the cat and dog, same dialogue every day, "Meow" and "Woof".

fauxprof said...

Hey, gang, does anybody else access MW through their Washington Post subscription? I haven’t been able to see any of the Washington Post comics for two days. I can get all the news stories, columns and puzzles, but no comics.

Anonymous said...

Boy, this Mommy and Daddy stuff is really grating. Is she knitting booties for them too? Reading them bedtime stories? Throwing them birthday parties? Sheesh. -- Scottie

Thunderheels said...

Hi. Loving the comments. How about a dream sequence with Pierre and Libby heads on baby bodies? Fauprof, try Comics Kingdom , that's where I find MW.

KitKat said...

KM herself comments on her dragged-out plot -- "ZZZZZ...."

Ed's not so dreamy. Being a workaholic, obsessed vet has made for an understaffed and overly crowded clinic. Arguments (Estelle and Ed) and gossiping (Estelle and Dr. See) happened in the waiting room in the presence of clients. What responsible pet owner would trust a place like that? Also, Ed made it clear to Estelle that he has no interest in planning their wedding. Estelle is a whiny, clueless, spoiled woman, but Ed is no prize either. (I will now step down from my soapbox.)

MissScarlet said...

Yes, Ed is perfect for Estelle’ a dreamy man she never has to see.

fauxprof said...

Gave up on WaPo, and signed up for Comics Kingdom, as Thunderheels suggested, so I’m caught up. KM and June have given us some wildly surreal dream sequences in the past, and this one is cued up for Sunday. I’m actually looking forward to this! (Gonna keep the WaPo subscription, BTW. The puzzles are pretty good!)

hmmm said...

My guess is that Estelle's dream will turn out to be a nightmare where she's banging on the windows of the church during Ed's wedding to Pam.
BTW - fauxprof - At the Seattle Times you can read the Mary Worth strip. No sign-up necessary.

meg said...

Elderbride’s Monthly Magazine confirms:

Beautiful 20-year-old blonde British princess stuns in elaborate ruffled wedding gown.
Grey- haired 65-year-old American vet’s assistant- not so much.

KitKat said...

@meg, perfectly put. Even Estelle's dreams/nightmares are nonsense. I wonder if the Diana dress was KM's idea or if June came up with it.

Face it, Estelle: You and Wilbur are meant for each other.

MissScarlet said...

Oh rats! She woke up. That was a short dream!

Anonymous said...

So the dog and cat just sit on her bed watching her sleep all night? Yeah, okay. Man, this story actually gets stupider every day. -- Scottie

hmmm said...

I'm trying to decide which is the scarier part of her nightmare. Wilbur or that horrific wedding gown?

fauxprof said...

Wilbur, puckering up. That’s the stuff of nightmares. Or instant nausea, if you’re awake.

Tiny fork said...

Had a hunch. The guy with the beard on left in the wedding audience looks a lot like June Brigman’s spouse, Roy Richardson.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Big day today! This may be one of the longest AAAUUUGGGHH!s in MW history, and rightly so. (Wilbur is such a character that his AUGH deserves a full 11 characters in itself).

LouiseF said...

Thanks, meg, for the Princess Di reference! Always a Wilbur-themed nightmare to get Worthiverse denizens' heads on straight. At this rate, maybe it's time to stop the advice from Mary and just give sleeping pills to the tortured folks who need to make decisions.

MissScarlet said...

Let the groveling begin.

hmmm said...

Estelle: "Oh, Ed. I'm so sorry! I realize now that I made a huge mistake when I called off our wedding. Can you please, please forgive me?"

Ed: "Huh? What are you talking about? Oh, yeah! That's right. I remember now! In all my excitement of being able to save the life of Mrs. Fitz's poodle, I'd forgotten all about that. Sure, no problem; no worries. Now... Chop Chop! Time for you to get busy. Those animal cages won't clean themselves!"

Anonymous said...

"Oh, Ed, I'm so sorry. I'm begging you -- please take me for granted and pay as little attention to me as you wish. It was silly of me to think that you should actually care about me. I know you love the animals way more than me, but I'll be happy with however many minutes you can squeeze me in for." -- Scottie

KitKat said...

Good call on Roy Richardson, @Tiny fork! Is that June herself in front of him? I guess they're sitting on the groom's side since Mary and Jeff are on the other side. Does that mean June and Roy are friends of Wilbur?

I expected Estelle's dream to last longer than one day. A floating Ed head rates a "meh...."

Tiny fork said...

@KitKat, I think you’re right!

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