I agree. Chicago is a great city (as anyone who was reading this blog
last May when Donna Amalfi died knows). And I'm sure that the conference was definitely better than the goings on here in Santa Royale. But you don't want to trip over that low bar.
So now Toby has confessed to being careless with her identity. I'm afraid those of you hoping for a little domestic violence really will be disappointed.
Today's Full Strip
Are there several different actresses playing Toby?
Regardless of how Ian reacts to the news of Toby's identity theft please bear in mind that it will not alter the fact that he is a monumental ass.
What...what in the world is that on Ian's lip in the second panel? It's kind of freaking me out, to be honest. Could it be a mole? A piece of misshapen flesh? Or...(gasp) a fang? Could Ian really have been transformed into a vampire during his conference, and now be hungering for Toby's blood?
Or... could it be (gasp)
...a wart?!
I'm not sure, but, one way or the other, this can't be good for Toby...
Oh, the humanity. "My dear Toby, a victim of IDENTITY THEFT? I am so relieved that something was indeed amiss, for now I know I should be married. I am also grateful that you shared your personal tragedy with me as soon as I walked through the door, especially considering the gravity of the situation. You may be intersted in something I learned at the conference of my learned colleagues. For just $35.00 per year we can add identity theft coverage to our condo unit owners insurance policy? Why don't you call our agent and ask him to come over to explain the coverage? [That should be good for about six months of strips] Oh, Toby dear. I am so gratified that you shared your this with me. It is truly a testament to the intimacy that we share. By the way, did I tell you that it's good to see you?"
Euuurrghhh... seeing him with his meaty, grotesque hands on her shoulders made me want to vomit. DON'T TOUCH HER, IAN! Don't take advantage of her just because she's borderline retarded!
I ... actually ... sort of like Toby's blouse today.
Style Mavin Tina, please chastise me. It'll make me feel better.
Borderline? I think not. By the way, the word "retarded" is not politically correct. The generally accepted terminology is "developmentally challenged." And that, in Toby's case is putting it gently. But Ian is fortunate in that regard. It is certainly her condition that is responsible for her having married him in the first place.
Tomorrow, watch as Ian moves his hands up Toby's shoulders and throttles her into senselessness. Then watch Ian try to discern whether anything has changed.
Developmentally challenged? With that rack!?
I think not, Sir.
Well, there is development above the neck and below the neck. This being a family friendly blog, I was referring to the former.
Gold Digging Nanny:
Just wait until tomorrow's strip, when Toby's blouse will suddenly morph into a hideous flowered pullover. Santa Royale scientists have dubbed it the "Giella Effect". They had the math to explain it but then the math turned into an end table by panel seven.
I guess the womens fashion page on enormushop.com had a sale on purple shiny tops...
Toby: On top of that identity fraud, Ian, I burned over your SCOTLAND dv-r!
OK, Ian ... Toby's been a little careless, but keep your shirt on...
Seriously... We remember the pool scene. KEEP THAT SHIRT *ON*.
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