Jeff has quickly changed the subject and is thinking about going back to Vietnam where he almost died until Mary rescued him. It's a pretty desperate attempt to get a little attention from Mary. But the last time Mary had that look on her face, Jeff tried blatant jealousy and look where it got him. Mary's so enthusiastic about seeing "what it takes to train a skating super-star," she's barely aware that Jeff is still in the room.
In celebration of all the great "Road Trip" comments yesterday, I've added "King of the Road" to the Charterstone Jukebox. If you're like me, you enjoy clicking the "Pop Out" button and listening to the Charterstone Jukebox throughout your work day.
Today's Full Strip
Notice today: the only utensils on their table were knives.... Where did the spoons go? Do they really have to cut their denture friendly mush loaf?
As for a method of travel, I think Mary should take a train. That would give her plenty of time to wander between cars and meddle in everyone's business.
Those "knives" look more like daggers!
Is that a napkin or is Mary handling some more paperwork?
I love the way Jeff drinks his tea with his pinky sticking out, maintaining a refined dignity as Mary once more abandons him for another man.
OK Mary, I'll show you. You're going to travel across the country to upstate New York to see an old male friend and not even ask me if I'd like to acompany you? Well, I'm going to visit Drew and eat worms. What do you think of that?![Gotta love the passive aggression]
I think Mary is already travelling without the dear Dr. Jeff's knowledge. Check out Tuesday's Dr. Rex Morgan M.D. ... doesn't that look like Mary (with her 'hair down' both literally and figuratively) laughing with an unnamed gentleman at the Regatta?
Did Mary just cough up her creamed pot roast into her napkin?
Can I just say that I'm now an addict? I hadn't read Mary Worth in years, as it's not available in NYC papers. Now, I wake up every morning, read MW, and wait to see what this blog has to say about it. Thanks, I think.
That's no napkin -- that's her script!
"I wish I hadn't wiped my mouth on this part, what does it say? 'Hunt'? 'Haunt'? Ah, the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks with it. It's not like they can get rid of me, the darn strip is named after me. I'll just go with 'haunt' and then take it up with Moy next week..."
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