Sunday, February 26, 2023

Mary Worth 4194

Quoted in Mary Worth. Not her greatest honor, but noteworthy.
Dear Jennifer Coolidge,

You are my favorite movie star. Are you related to Anita Koolidge?




Anonymous said...

Mare tells Lib to "STAY!" and she does. Wow!

"It is what it is. He is who he is." Sounds like Mare has given up on changing Wil's behavior. Which means her plot to make Estelle as miserable as possible will have to take a different track now. So don't be fooled, Estelle, this isn't over. Mare's gonna have to dig up some dirt on Doc Ed. And if she can't find any, she'll have to make up some.

-- Scottie

KitKat said...

Estelle: “I think I’ll find more peace and satisfaction in my life with Dr. Ed Harding.”

Mary thinking to herself: “That sounds too boring for her. I’ll keep working on Wilbur so when her interest in that vet wanes, Wilbur will be ready to jump in again. Bwa-ha-ha! It’s banana bread time.”

grozar said...

Free range pets! What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

grozar - I'm hoping to see Wilbur come whipping around the corner of that path on his new Segway scooter and wiping out both Libby and Pierre. I'd find that very endearing.


Tim said...

Estelle doesn't owe Mary a single word of explanation as to why she doesn't want Wilbur in her life-not one. So Estelle stop talking and live your life Mary free.

Chester the Dog said...

Wanders - hahahahahah!

MissScarlet said...

Oh, thank heavens the 'blah blah' bench showed up. Mary would hate to get grass stains on her purple clothes.