Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Mary Worth 4203

It's time for these two humanitarians to create a false Facebook account and bully the #$%^& out of Mrs. Brown and her little dog, too.


Frank Booth said...

Sheesh, maybe if you'd get off your phone now and again you wouldn't have such a line of people and their pets in the waiting room.

KitKat said...

Thanks for helping me start my day with a big laugh, Wanders!

Doesn’t Yelp use administrators to delete #@$%&*%! language? Tsk tsk, and in Santa Royale, too. Mary would be clutching her pearl earrings.

Uncle Dr. Ed, Steven doesn’t have any love of the job to dampen.

Anonymous said...

Maybe structuring a normal veterinary practice and trying to heal sick pets just isn't Dr. Ed's thing. He might want to think about selling the clinic and buy a van. I don't know about California, but scheduling an in-home euthanasia is growing in popularity on the east coast. His ad could read:

"If your pet will soon be leavin' just call Drs. Ed and Steven!"
"Check out our March special! BOGO - Have one pet bumped off; get a second one whacked for free!"


Anonymous said...

I'd like to suggest for the Charterstone jukebox Jan and Dean's "Drag City" ("Listen to 'im whine, whine, whine, yeah, listen to 'im whine whine whine").

-- Scottie

Chester the Dog said...

And they waste water, look at that splash!

LouiseF said...

I think Green Steven should be forced by Dr. Ed to watch a number of episodes of "All Creatures, Great and Small", followed by a remake of "Dr. Doolittle". That should render him ready to quit and join Zak as a video game developer, where he can take out his frustration by crafting a game that diagnoses animal maladies and punishes pet owners for negligence.

dangermash said...

So when is it that we get to see Wilbur exposed as the poster of all these bad reviews?

KitKat said...

@LouiseF, Green Steven would faint at the sight of Mr. Herriot with his arm inside a mare, attempting to turn a stuck foal.

Boffo comments by everyone today!

Tim said...
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tkraft said...

Careful, Stevo. This is a family-friendly blog and you may have your comments be moderated. (Please, please, please, anything but more of his blather).

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute.

Is this mean-angry-wrong-Yelp!-commenters plotline somehow about us? Is our lovingly snide mockery akin to accusing Moy of throwing sick puppies out into the snow?

Take a good look at yourselves in the mirror, people. Look, I say!.. You have something in your teeth.