Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mary Worth 1,396

We've seen some pretty exciting keyboards in this week's chapter of our thrilling Life is Brutal story. I thought I'd gather them all up in one place just so I could reminisce. I don't know about you, but I've thoroughly enjoyed watching Mary and Wilbur type on these things.

Today's Full Strip


Punky said...

Old people typing nonsense on huge keyboards and monitors. CAN this strip get more exciting??

Best part of the week? Wanders's montage today. Nicely done!

QuakerJohn said...

The tone the past few days reminded me of something, and I finally put my finger on it: Mary "sounds" just like Klaatu from the movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still. Mary/Klaatu both have an urgent message for the earth's civilization and both use stilted, formal language to preach to us. The only positive out of all this is that maybe Mary has her own Gort hidden away ready to do some power meddling.

fauxprof said...

Several times during these past summer months, as we have suffered though the Costa Concordia reboot, I have wondered why Joe Giella did not check the Internet for images of what a cruise ship or a lifeboat actually looked like. Today, after Wanders' wonderful keyboard montage, I've come to the conclusion that Uncle Joe doesn't HAVE a computer, since he clearly does not even know what a keyboard looks like!

(As to today's final panel: "It was a dark, but not stormy, night"???. Is Wilbur writing this from the top of a doghouse? Or, to continue the Peanuts analogy...

Thorpnotized said...

So Mary has turned an advice column into her own personal soapbox. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!

Meanwhile, Wilbur tilts his head to the side to help him remember what is was like to be on the ship as it was sinking...

Nance said...

Worst writing in the world in today's strip, both by MW and WW.

Awards today to:

Quaker John for the phrase "Power Meddling"

fauxprof for the charming allusion to Snoopy

Wanders for his keyboard montage--I noticed that MW hit up the numberpad again today, so she's probably going to use the quote "There are 8,000,000,000 stories in the Naked City...".

Unrelated: Wilbur already has a crick in his neck and he just started on Installment One. Either that, or he forgot to trim the hair in his ears.

heydave said...

Riveting. Just riveting.

heydave said...

By the way, Mary in Panel 2 today?

The drugs kick in.

TeacherPatti said...

Does anyone else read the Onion? They have an occasional "advice" column where it will say something like "ask a woman who just found her husband in bed with her best friend" or "ask a tire that just fell off a car". It basically has someone ask a question and then the answer fits the person/thing it's asking but has nothing to do with the question. (i.e. the tire would answer a question about drug addiction by saying "oh my God falling so fast it's so steep the hill what's next oh my God").

This Ask Wendy nonsense is like "ask an old woman who has nothing to do all day but meddle in her neighbors' lives"

KitKat said...

Inspired by Quaker John and his mention of "The Day the Earth Stood Still," I consulted IMDB for an appropriate quote and found this exchange. As Quaker John suggests, just substitute "Mary/Klaatu" for "Klaatu":

Barnhardt: One thing, Mr. Klaatu: suppose this group should reject your proposals. What is the alternative?
Klaatu: I'm afraid there is no alternative. In such a case, the planet Earth would have to be... eliminated
Barnhardt: Such power exists?
Klaatu: I assure you, such power exists.

Behold the power of Mary/Klaatu! That's why Charterstone is leaning precariously in the first panel.

Vicki said...

I need a time out from Moy's Life Is Brutal nonsense...could we all just maybe meet Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? at the mall or something?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else ever wonder whatever happened with that nasty gash in Wilbur's leg we saw during the helicopter rescue? Moy must have thrown that in to trick us into thinking it was important to the story.

Petunia said...

Is the point of view in the first panel that of Charlie Brown lying in the gravel after Lucy has pulled the football away?

--Beagle Vet

Chester the Dog said...

@Vicki: We need much time away from this storyline. Is Maises open on Labor Day?

Ugh and the keyboard. I have mentioned in the past that not even Ensign Terry Bryson from the Enterprise can figure one of these out. One wrong pick and Mary erases all of Wikopedia! She has that power, you know.

There was a funny about Mary Worth on The Golden Girls years ago.

Just can't find it.

Klaatu said...

Oh, God! So boring! So boring!

meg said...

Chester the Dog:
Was this it?

Dorothy: Mary Worth?! My goodness, I haven't read that in years!

Blanche: Let me catch you up! It's later that same afternoon...

Helpful Dawn said...

Meg and Chester the Dog:

I didn't see that episode, but I read that joke somewhere else, and it said they were talking about Apartment 3G.