Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mary Worth 1952

Yes, Mary, they're going to a concert. Remember, you love Debussy too? You were talking about it ten minutes ago. Although music can mend the broken heart, it can't do a thing for dementia.

Today's Full Strip


I Am Not A Robot said...

Hanna and Sean's relationship is "refreshing"?!? What the...?!? Huh?

There was no point to today's strip other than to provide great fodder for Wander's comments (which were brilliant, BTW.) Unless it's being used to buy time and cover for the fact that Sean, having eavesdropped on the insipid conversation, beat a hasty retreat back to Somerset. Or keeled over with food poisoning from Mary's 'wonderful' meal.


For once , I agree with Mary. This plot makes me want to slash my wrist.

KitKat said...

I thought Amy's indifference to her mother's wants and needs is what's been ailing Hanna. That and her wildly morphing hairstyle, which changes from day to day and often from panel to panel.

Anyone else made nervous by the way Mary is brandishing that knife? Scary.

I had to Google that quote, which is from Leigh Hunt. Apparently KM only includes attribution for quotations in Sunday strips, hence Hanna's awkward, "It's been said...." Google also shows a lot of Pinterest, Tumblr, and Facebook activity for this quote. Maybe KM trawls social media for material.

Nance said...

Exactly how many "outings" have Sean and Hanna been on? I thought they went on a walk, period.

Holy crap, is this boring. I think I'd rather vacuum.

F. Fredburger said...

Yeah, boring, but still more interesting that the painfully boring storyline over at Apartment 3G.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

It has also been said that "writing comes more easily if you have something to say". I also have to say that if the wastebasket is the writer's best friend, Ms. Moy is friendless.

fauxprof said...

That's a whole lotta knife to cut three squares of apple cake...but then, we don't know what Mary's apple cake recipe is like. (Parenthetically, I just noticed that my ipad automatically capitalizes the word "Apple".)