Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mary Worth 2009

"I was impressed with your iron grip, Mary, but now look how far I've come. I barely even cry when you clamp down on my fingers like that."

Today's Full Strip


Anonymous said...

Good Grief, get on with it you two, it's not like you have THAT many years left, although the way this strip runs you'll both outlive me. He's a Doctor, it would be like marrying an annuity.

Nance said...

Hmm. I was wrong yesterday. I think they're brussels sprouts, not peas.

Anonymous said...

Time for Dr. Jeff to clutch his chest and keel over from a heart attack.

Toots McGee said...

Don't ask her to marry you, Dr. Jeff. You'll only end up hating yourself later.

Toots McGee said...

"Look how far we've come since then, Jeff. I'm even more ZEALOUS and you're even more IMPRESSED!"

KitKat said...

@Nance, I think they're zucchini slices.

When Mary says "I feel the same," she means "I can't imagine your life without me either."

Jeff's chest hair is about 2 inches from his chin - bleah.

fauxprof said...

Jeff should look more uncomfortable with that table inserted so far into his chest cavity.

Shmoopie said...

Proper arm wrestling requires that competitors use the same arm (right-right or left-left, not that weirdo right-left combination Mary and Jeff are performing), and it's REALLY bad form to put your elbow into your mushy pea/brussel sprout/zucchini dish.

meg said...

Jeff: Mary, I've got something to ask you.

Mary: (coyly, she thinks she knows what's coming) Yes, Jeff?

Jeff: Did I ever tell you my real first name? It's Dave.

Nance said...

@KitKat--You may be right about the veg. But knowing JG, they could also be potatoes. Your interpretation of Mary's line is brilliant.

@meg--Oh, Lordy, if ONLY. If only KM would do SOMETHING unexpected like this! Hilarious. The last time she did anything even remotely stunning was to introduce the Flower Fairies.

And I miss them. So. Much.

mar said...

Oh ever so far. Still eating unidentifiable "food" at the Bum Boat, still living in Charterstone, still friends with Toby and Ian, Dawn is still an angst ridden teen, Wilbur still has a love affair with sandwiches. Although I did just discover Wilbur has a twitter account, it hasn't been active in a while, but hey that's progress.(Seriously, check it out.) And we did finally get to see Mary in the Charterstone pool, just not during a pool party.

KitKat said...

How much time has passed? Are the newlyweds already back from Goleta? Did Amy marry Dave? Is Gordy in high school?

heydave said...

Wow, I go away for only a number of days/weeks/months and we're already on a new storyline?
So are we watching Moy's swansong, with Mary finally making Jeff's life... more of a thing?

heydave said...

And I have to say, you folks hit some real home runs with your comments!