Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mary Worth 2211

Ed's expression says it all: "We must put an end to Mary's influence on our daughter. Chefs only make $40k a year. She'll be a doctor's wife like her mother, and she'll like it."

Today's full strip


KitKat said...

Panel 3: Ed: "Then it's decided! Evy and I are going to the Bahamas for Christmas!"

A commenter yesterday wondered what exactly IS Evy's thing. Possibilities: 1. Tee Hee Oh Eddie. 2. Terminal boredom.

carlnepa said...

Zowie! Salmon squares for everyone with a side of Splak floating in euphemistic self satisfaction. There is nothing more festive.

smooth said...

It shouldn't be too much work for the kindred spirits. After all, they have five hands between them.

I just cannot get over that and even told a friend who had never read MW to check out our three handed friend. She went bonkers. Perhaps a new fan?

Vince said...

Since Thanksgiving passed without notice during Mary's long and inappropriate cross-country visit to a child she is not related to, she was not going to let the same thing happen with Christmas. Way to take charge, Mary!

fauxprof said...

Mary and Olive will have the feast all prepared, but then the Bumpas hounds will get in and steal the turkey, and they'll all ave to go out for Chinese food anyway.

Maggie said...

Finally, a strip that answers the question: what would it look like if Olive scalped her mother?

These holiday strips sure can get dark...

Yahoonski said...

Perhaps we'll see Mary do all the work and Olive loaf. Ha ha ha. But seriously, folks, anything they cook has got to be better than the plates full of manure they've lingered over these last few days.

richardmoderate said...

dont forget the frog celery-a must if you're having those salmon squares and Splak-and you'll need to get some of that teeny dollhouse silverware that Mary likes to eat with

richardmoderate said...

why is there a little garbage can with the message "delete comment" every time i post??? dont tell me this is like the comic kingdom blacklisting site where people get arbitrarily banned

Dawn Weston's EVIL Twin said...

Great way to make reading "Mary Worth" EVEN MORE FUN!
Just read it out loud and sort of yell the parts that are written in bold:
"Then it's decided! Olive and I are going to MAKE CHRISTMAS DINNER!"
It really brings out your ENTHUSIASM!

By the way, how does a little girl like Olive know vocabulary words like "sous chef"? I think she's really a middle-aged woman in disguise, just like Sarah Morgan over at Rex Morgan, MD.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

Harumph! What did they do, wipe their mouths on their sleeves?

Gina said...

This really should have gone on yesterday's strip: Hey Mary, my family and I ordered in for Thanksgiving, and it was AWESOME. Put that in your drumstick and choke on it.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! The next couple of weeks are going to be completely inane:
- talking about making dinner
- making the dinner
- talking about how great the dinner was

It will be well past New Year before anything meaningful happens.

Maybe that's why Joe has added things to keep us interested.