Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mary Worth 3074

I think this is embarrassing for both of them. Clearly, Estelle is going to have to start lying about her age and looks so she doesn't have to eat dinner with men who are willing to settle.


Anonymous said...

Friends, we have a definite Panel of the Year contender. This thing is exquisitely beautiful.

In addition to the overall surprise factor, we've got:

• Estelle's plastered-on fake grin

• The old man's lecherous look as he hunches over his cane (we'll overlook the fact that no one holds a cane like that)

• The tie tucked into the pants for good measure

June, all past sins are forgiven. You have just created a masterpiece. I can't wait to see where this goes.

-- Scottie McW.

mr_darcy said...

The lack of color in the background has me confused. Is that man holding a glass of wine or is he strangling a loaf of French bread? I hate it when baked goods fight back. It's a personal problem.

KitKat said...

I agree this is a strong contender for Panel of the Year. It could only be improved if a small, snarly dog is tethered to that cane.

Estelle, you should have agreed to meet only at a coffee shop, not a restaurant that looks like a cross between a funeral home and a bordello. A newbie mistake....

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled


Oh no!

Anonymous said...

Well, gee, Estelle... perhaps you should have been a little forewarned by the description, "weathered". Anyway, I can't get past this guy's huge head! He doesn't have a forehead; it's definitely a fivehead.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

I think June has reached her peak. This is a masterpiece.

@KitKat, when you mentioned the snarly old dog I immediately thought of the very old Mr. Herbert from Family Guy and his very old dog Jesse:


KitKat said...

Nance, it's a good thing I read your BFH title just BEFORE I sipped my coffee - ha ha ha.

Forgot to mention this in my previous comment: I was flipping through a new Crate & Barrel catalog and noted a steel-and-marble "Estelle" bookcase.

Anonymous said...

"Would madam care for a cocktail?"

"Scotch. Neat. Make it a double. Keep 'em comin'."

-- S. McW.

LouiseF said...

I relish Estelle's "Oh No!". It bodes well for future comic possibilities. My guess is that KM has been reading some old "Golden Girls" scripts..

TimP said...

Estelle's understandable disappointment would be one thing, but her abject horror at spending time with someone who is not physically attractive really takes the cake.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

Just walk right past him Estelle and keep on walking. He'll never be able to catch up.

meg said...

Mr. Burns has left the nuclear plant in the safe hands of Homer Simpson.

Anonymous said...

Pretty shallow, Estelle, you with your auto Bondo hair. How about trying some highlights?

Steve G said...

Estelle didn't list "handsome" as one of her requirements.

He's well-groomed; his clothes fit, pressed and appropriate (no "Full Cleveland"); tie with a good knot, fashionable color (purple) and width (narrow).

He looks alert, friendly, and is likely is a good conversationalist.

I hope Estelle is not superficially dismissing and gives him a chance.

Nance said...

@KitKat--Oh, thanks!

I wonder how many dates (and how much Muffin Klatching) we'll go on with Estelle before KM feels that she's driven home her "point" that We All Need To Be Careful Online/Not Everyone Is Honest Online. Another terrifyingly obvious and stale storyline that even Dr. Phil has exhausted.

MissScarlet said...

Wanders, I get why he tucked in his tie. He doesn't want it to dangle down in front of him. What I don't get is why he didn't tuck it further down. Surely he wasn't going for the 'loop'.

MissScarlet said...

On second thought, a bow tie would have been better. Or even a turtle neck.

LouiseF said...

Just as I was trying to find another reason to make fun of tucking in a necktie, I came across this study of tie tucking... Scroll down to see Sean Connery himself with a tucked in tie! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjXp-mjr9rgAhXvhOAKHdcyACMQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abcneckties.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-tie-tuck-yes-or-no%2F&psig=AOvVaw2HahXeyvE_tActaDCPouSz&ust=1551303816426187

Tristero said...

Where's Libby when you need her? And is that Dawn in the background?